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Productive College Morning Routine: New Year’s Edition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

The sound of my alarm’s siren noise blasting within the small perimeters of my dorm during the early hours of daylight is not the most ideal morning wake up call. I tend to tell myself “just five more minutes” as I half-consciously pound my snooze button. However, the next thing I know it’s an hour later, and the only thing getting me out of bed is the fact that I have 10 minutes to get dressed and somehow sprint across campus for my 8 a.m.

Sound like you? I’ll admit that this used to be my typical routine in the morning – a series of snoozed alarms, grogginess, stress, and the set-in panic of trying to make it to class reasonably on time. Although I mastered the ability to get ready in a surprisingly short amount of time, I also grew lazy and was losing touch with my mental and self-care. I was constantly tired, flustered and felt rushed for the rest of the morning. Worst of all – I had so many things that I meant to accomplish but that I would just Never. Get. Done.

Determined to change old habits around with a new year and semester ahead, I’ve started off 2018 by waking up earlier and following a set morning routine as a way to kick off my day. The pain of waking up early is TOTALLY worth it, ladies; once you train yourself to follow a morning routine, there is no going back! You’ll feel energized, productive, and ready to tackle on your day’s list of to-do’s.

For all of my fellow college girls (or anyone, for that matter!) who have no idea where to start and would like a morning routine to reference, here is how I start off day:

Waking Up: Whether I have to wake up early or have the chance to sleep in, I’ve made it a habit to religiously rise out of bed at 7:30 a.m. Before I fell into this routine, I was always anxious about sleeping through my alarms (which happened more often than I’d like to admit) and missing whatever it was that I needed to wake up for. I was also a big fan of sleeping in – waking up at 10, 11 and even 12 in the afternoon. Although every once in a while it’s nice to get some extra shut eye, you miss out on half of the day by sleeping in. Now that I have a set wake up time, I’ve trained my body to wake itself up without fail, and I no longer need to rely on an app to force myself out of bed (So long, loud and annoying alarms! I don’t need your overly-obnoxious sounds anymore!). Even better, I have learned to love the morning and its slow-paced, peaceful nature. I’m not saying you have to wake up at the crack of dawn in order to successfully have a productive day, however, – find a time that accommodates best with your schedule and needs!

Gym: I try to get myself into a gym at least three times a week. After testing out nearly all times of the day, I have found that working out right when you wake up is the best time to do it because you start the day off feeling refreshed and energized. Plus, morning gym sessions immediately check off that one, pesky box from your to-do list so that the thought and guilt of having to workout isn’t lingering in your head all day long. I plan my gym time in accordance with my class schedule, which means that from Monday through Thursday, I hit my school’s gym at around 7:45 a.m. There, I typically spend an hour working out, switching off from cardio and strength training every other day. 

Post Gym: Since I don’t have much time to spare in between my gym session and class, I tend to pass from eating breakfast at my dining hall and instead grab something to eat in my room. This post gym meal tends to be a culmination of all the important nutrients I need to fuel my body for the rest of the morning. I usually opt for a yogurt that includes granola, strawberries, blueberries, banana – whatever type of fruit I can easily cut up or buy pre-sliced at the local grocery store. I don’t skimp on the goods! I also drink a cup of water immediately post gym session to get those much needed fluids back in.

If you do not have access to these types of food in your dorm, I cannot stress the importance of eating! Head over to your school’s dining hall and take full advantage of your meal plan! Just be mindful of what and how much you are eating; so long as you’re not drowning your waffles with a gallon of maple syrup or putting a pound of butter on your toast, you will be completely fine. Balance is key!

Getting Ready: Once I’ve filled up my body with some food, I quickly shower and get dressed for the day. After I have changed and dried my hair, I sit at my desk and start doing my makeup.

Once I am finished with my beauty routine, I look at my schedule for the day, grab my (pre-packed) bag, and head off to class! 

This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!