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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCU chapter.

What Freshman Year Taught Me 

One of the biggest transitions anyone will face in their lives will be the change from high school to college. Going from being a senior fresh out of high school ready to conquer anything to a lowly freshman, entering into the terrifying new world that is college on their own can be a challenging experience. For me, starting college was something I could hardly wait for but also was filled with dread for. The excitement of starting a new phase of my life with new friends and new opportunities mixed with the struggles that come with living on my own for the first time made freshman year a roller coaster ride. Now that I’ve made it to the end of my first year of college, here are a few things I learned during this crazy experience called freshman year: 

Bad Grades aren’t the End of the World 

Going from high school to college can be intimidating academically, as it feels as though the pressure for you to succeed has greatly increased. Getting that 4.0 GPA may seem like everything, so when you get your first C on a quiz it can feel like the world has ended. But rest easy because, in the long run, that bad grade is not going to matter. Future employers aren’t going to be worried about whether or not you got an A in philosophy freshman year; they’ll only care that you are a smart, educated, and dedicated individual with a degree to show for their hard work. While it will be tough to get bad grades, try to learn from your mistakes and work harder next time. And if the best you can do is just a B, that’s okay. As long as you are dedicated and trying your hardest, your work will reflect that. 

Learn to Love Being Alone 

While it may seem tempting to pack your social calendar with campus events and spending time with friends, it is crucial to make sure you have some alone time as well. As an extrovert, I love getting out of my dorm and hanging out with my friends, but I still came to find that taking time to just be by myself was always a good decision. Whether it was spending a night in bed watching Netflix or just walking to class by myself listening to music, learning to be okay with being alone helped me face my fears of FOMO and realize I don’t always have to be around people to be enjoying myself. 

Good Things Take Time 

Entering into college means you are facing a whole set of new beginnings: new roommates, new friends, new classes, and a new life. The uncertainty of starting college can make you want to rush all pieces of your new life into place so you can find your new “normal.” When I started freshman year, I expected to make new friends and learn how to navigate college life instantly. However, adjusting to this new life took time, and it often seemed as though I would never make friendships that would last or figure out how to study better so I would do better on quizzes. This was difficult to deal with, but eventually, I learned that the good things in life take time, and if I was only patient I would find my friends and my rhythm. College life may be filled with confusion and uncertainties at first, but give things time, and eventually, you will find your place as a college student. 

It’s Okay to Not Be Okay (For a While) 

While I had some of the best experiences of my life during freshman year, it wasn’t all fun and games. I hit some low points during the past two semesters, experiencing homesickness, insecurities, anxiety, and even depression. I was certain something had to be wrong with me since while some people were having the time of their lives there were days I didn’t even want to get out of bed. However, I came to realize that I wasn’t alone in feeling these things. Everyone who starts college for the first time is going to experience some hard times, but it is important to realize that it is completely normal and okay. However, it is equally important to not stay in those dark places and seek out friendships, Bible studies, and counseling that will come alongside you in both the peaks and valleys that make up freshman year. 

Enjoy Every Minute of It 

College is going to be a time of ups and downs, with some triumphant highs and some crushing lows. Things aren’t always going to be easy, which is why it is important to remember to just enjoy every bit of freshman year that you can. There is no time of life quite like it, where you are learning about who you are and who you want to become, all while having the freedom to just do life and enjoy yourself. Your first year of college will fly by and be over before you even realize it, so make the most of every minute you have of it. If you do, you will have the time of your life, just like I did.   

A sophomore Communications major at GCU who is passionate about Jesus, writing, watching Netflix, and taking long walks to the campus Chick-Fil-A.