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Just a Few Reasons Why Life is Worth Living

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Salisbury chapter.

Like most people, I’ve had my fair share of dreary and unmotivated days. When my negative emotions begin to take a toll on my well-being, I remind myself of the beautiful experiences waiting for me.

1. Think of all the people who love you now and will love you in the future:

When we’re feeling down, it’s easy to feel like no one in the world cares. Remember, this is far from true. There are many people who would feel great pain if you no longer existed. As you progress through life, there will be 100 more individuals to make space for you in their hearts.

2. There are thousands of places you haven’t explored yet:

The Earth is a huge place. You will never run out of wonders to see and exotic foods to eat. A vast amount of wonderful experiences can outweigh the things that get us down in life.

3. You have yet to fulfill your purpose:

All of us were put on this Earth to fulfill a purpose. Whether you were meant to discover a cure for cancer or save a life, every being is important.

4. Pain is temporary, and your hardships will pass:

Life is composed of unexpected highs and lows. On those days I’m feeling particularly sad, I remind myself that my struggles will be resolved in the end. Depression can trick us into thinking we will never find a way out of the dark. Remind yourself that better days will come.

5. Think of all the friends you can make along your journey through life:

People walk in and out of our lives constantly. Two to 10 years from now, you might only be surrounding yourself with like-minded and driven individuals. We’ll never know if the next stranger we meet is our soulmate. 


Anjelique Wilson is a senior at Salisbury University, majoring in Communication arts. She loves musical theater and hopes to obtain a career in the arts. You'll often catch her singing along to musicals and watching her favorite youtubers. She joined her campus to be involved with a platform that allows her to freely express herself
Nadia Williams is a senior studying Political Science, Communications and French at Salisbury University. She enjoys writing about policy, media and culture. She hopes to use journalism as a tool to empower others to play an active role in their communities.