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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Portland chapter.

Regardless of whether you’re coming to campus from a nearby city or from another country, adjusting to living away from home can be difficult. You’re in a new, confusing place with unfamiliar people. Take comfort in the fact that we’ve all been there, take a deep breath, and read on for some tips on coping with homesickness.


1. Decorate to Remind you of Home

Let’s face it: dorm rooms, especially when stripped to their essence at th end of each year, are not the prettiest to look at. It can be hard to turn your dorm into a place that feels like home, but doing so can give you somewhere to rewind and center yourself. Fill your bed with soft blankets, cover your walls in familiar photos, or use room scents that remind you of home. If something feels off, you can always switch things around!

2. Stay Healthy

This is said often, but it’s worth repeating. Take advantage of living in the vicinity of a gym and dining hall! A new school year is a chance to start fresh and establish a routine. Believe in yourself and your ability to start or continue healthy habits. Go for walks, take your vitamins, etc. With a clear head and productive routine, you’ll be more likely to feel better about yourself and your new environment.

3. Reach Out

Call home to hear familiar voices. Get in touch with old friends about their experiences. Best of all, make a second home here in Portland by getting involved and conquering your fears. When you visit home, you’ll be a more resilient, more confident version of yourself. And, despite the hardships of leaving your old world behind, that’s the best thing you can become.