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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

Clear skin is something we all lust after, but, as many of us know, it takes a lot of work, time, and possibly money to get it. So, for those who are willing to put in the time, without having to spend a lot, or any, money, here are simple ways that will help you get the skin of your dreams!

1. Drink Water

I know that this seems to be the cure-all for everything, but it’s true. Water is one of the greatest solvents known to the scientific community allowing it to flush all sorts of toxins out of our systems. Leaving us with not only happy bodies but happy faces too.

2. Cut Out All That Sugar

A simple sweet tooth can spell trouble for clear skin. If you’re anything like me, 11 o’clock hits and its time to bring out the candy stash, but habits like this are detrimental for your skin. Research now shows that sugar is literally toxic to you, too much can lead to serious health issues as well as inflammation. This is why after eating that pint of ice cream for your midnight snack, you wake up with more pimples than you can count.

3. Always Finish Washing Your Face In Cold Water

Washing your face is an important step on the ladder to clear skin. It should be done once in the morning and once at night. After you wash, rinse with cold water. This will close your pores, preventing dirt and debris from entering them, which in turn, will lead to clearer skin.

Hi, welcome to my page everybody my name is Josh and I am currently a Freshman at UIC. If you're here get ready for a good time Peace and love, Josh
UIC Contributor.