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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brandeis chapter.

Ten Creative Snow day activities for you and your friends (for when you’re snowed in and don’t wanna kill each other):


  1. Watch a movie… or two! (Minimal talking time for when you’ve exhausted every conversation in the book).



  1. Go C store shopping together!

Sometimes it’s a good idea to get out, even in the freezing cold. Plus, it’s always a good idea to stock up on snacks for when you really don’t want to leave your room.



  1. Get ahead on laundry together, and make it an activity

Pro tip: Share loads! Cold wash, hot wash, tumble dry low, go crazy!



  1. Learn new braids and hairstyles, youtube has some fantastic tutorials that will give you braids for dayzz!!!!



  1. Blow-dry each other’s hair (there’s nothing like the angle you can’t get when you’re doing your own)



  1. Play board games–bring back game night (or day)!!

Codenames is a really fun option (same with monopoly and all the regulars of course) (https://smile.amazon.com/Czech-Games-00031CGE-Codenames/dp/B014Q1XX9S/ref=sr_1_1?s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1548101501&sr=1-1&keywords=codenames)



  1. Karaoke day.  

Pull out a hairbrush microphone and open your internet browser to find Hannah Montana and High School Musical sing-alongs. We promise you won’t regret it!



  1. Go on BuzzFeed and take random quizzes.  You just don’t realize now how much you needed to know what city you’ll live in based on your favorite color or what animal represents your greatest insecurity till you’ve tried it.



  1. Marie Kondo your drawers together! No such thing as some good ol’ tidying up :)


(Real photo of Gila’s shirt drawer!!)


  1. Play outside!!

It can be a bit annoying to bundle up, but remember how excited you used to get to make forts and igloos and snowmen with your childhood friends? There’s a reason for that! Go out and take advantage of the weather!



And most importantly, just remember how lucky you are to have such beautiful snow right outside your door (for over the summer when you’re jealous of your past self). Stay warm!!

Gila Weinrib

Brandeis '22

Hi! I’m Gila, and I’m a first year here at Brandeis! For the important stuff: I’m an avid procrastibaker, I love a good pun (if you didn’t realize that one already), I think avocados are overrated (I know, I know, that’s an unpopular opinion), and I love classical music and matching pajama sets. I’m not sure yet what I want to major in or be when I grow up (but I hear grownups don’t know either so it’s ok for now!) And I’m so excited to be on the hercampus team this semester!
Maddy Lefkowitz

Brandeis '22

Hey y'all!!!! I'm Maddy, I'm a first year at brandeis! You can understand my interests best based off my article topics: friends and ice cream. Hope you've had a lovely time stalking me.
Campus Coordinator at Brandeis University