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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWindsor chapter.

Vaginal health is a long-neglected topic that many young women don’t know about. The vagina serves many purposes, including sex, arousal, and child delivery. The vagina is located inside the body, past the vulva (genital area outside of the body), and it reaches the cervix (closer to the womb/uterus). It’s merely a connection to the outside world.


Today I’m going to shed some light on ways to take care of and manage your vaginal health. First, I want to talk a little about vaginal odour. The vagina has a distinct odour, and odour can indicate a variety of conditions. Odour can be caused due to changes in your menstrual cycle, poor hygiene, and other causes – if an unusual odour persists for a long period of time, it is important to talk to your doctor. The key to practicing good hygiene involves staying clean and not wearing your gym clothes (more on this later) for an extended period of time.  


Some other conditions can be STIs, so be aware of your sexual history. An STI can lead to vaginal itching, a bacterial infection, and even cysts. Signs of STIs can include sores, abnormal discharge, itching, and even painful urination. Use protection. Ask your family physician for contraceptive-options and STI checks. Always keep track of any changes in your vagina (you’ll know when something seems off!). Make sure you have conversations with your partners about sexual health! And, when your doctor asks about your sexual history, please answer honestly – there is no judgment.


Other lifestyle changes are also important to achieving a healthy vagina. Make sure you’re getting your PAP tests and pelvic exams, especially if you have a family history of cervical cancer. Ensure that you’re wearing cotton underwear. Cotton allows your vagina to breathe, so think about substituting the lacy polyester underwear for some traditional cotton undies. Additionally, always make sure you change your underwear after a steamy workout; moisture post-workout is a breeding ground for future bacterial infections. Lastly, avoid using scented soaps down there to prevent drying.


Talking about vaginal health is so important. Many people can fall prey to pseudoscientific tactics – false advertisement and even ways to clean your vagina by sticking products in it. This can lead to problems, worsen health conditions, and lead to new health conditions. Girls it is important to talk about vaginal health – this is completely normal. It is not something to be ashamed of. Take care of your vaginal health, visit your obstetrician-gynecologist (they really are your best friend!), and take your sexual history seriously. Hopefully, you found this article informative.


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This is an anonymous account hosted by our team mascot, Morty the Monkey. This article was written by a UWindsor student.