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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Albizu chapter.

The idea was innocent enough.

Looking through my calendar, I realized the infamous week of midterms was fast approaching, and the familiar cold sweats of panic were inhabiting my body. Whilst looking for unconventional ways to relieve anxiety and stress, I stumbled upon magazine clippings describing the benefits of an orgasm. My plan was to make an article about these physiological and mental benefits, find the investigations that proved it, and then use them as references. But while I surfed through the research, I kept hitting barricades and finding very little on the matter. What I did manage to encounter was an avalanche of male-centered investigations, and conclusions on why masturbation is bad for women. And after much talk amongst my female friends, and half a bottle of wine, let’s talk about masturbation!

Why is it seen as such a bad thing?

This is a rather heavy and multi-faceted question that involves the complexity of a patriarchal society and religion. But bottom line, society has always been the number one hater of female independent pleasure.

But we’re in the 21st century?

Alas, there has been some improvement on these views, especially with female driven movements who made a whole month out of it! But the taboo and shame of openly talking about it still lurks in the shadows, and this deprives women of the many benefits that could provide masturbation.

What are these so-called benefits?

I concocted a rather small survey regarding masturbation, and the response was surprisingly supportive. Participants felt that masturbation could not only help with overall health but could improve self-esteem with one participant adding that “it’s always good to know oneself.” They also agreed that it could help with anxiety and stress related to schoolwork. And a rotund one hundred percent agreed that it should be implemented as a self-care routine.

Finger painting. Dialing the rotary phone. DIY time. The downstairs D.J. Call it what you will, masturbation is now a good alternative when times are knocking you out, or when you just need a little me time. It has also been linked with exploring sexuality and finding out likes and dislikes. That being said, if it’s just not up your alley—then that’s okay too. Remember: your body, your choice. There are no rules or restrictions on body autonomy.

In conclusion, ladies, don’t stress just rub it out!

On my way to a master’s degree in Counseling Psychology. Love to procrastinate while watching movies and binging Netflix shows. Incredibly fascinated with gender and sexology studies. Let's talk about sex baby! I also think I'm incredibly funny, I'm not.