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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

Ahhhh, it’s officially that time of the year again. Group signing has begun! I know how stressful it can be to try and find your first apartment… Or maybe even your third. It’s a stressful process that can be filled with a lot of “what-ifs”. But, that’s why I’m here! I, myself, have lived in a couple apartments over the years and know a lot of easy tips and tricks that a lot of first-timers might look over. So, let’s jump into it! 


Always, always, read reviews! 

I know it sounds silly, but reading reviews can either make or break your decision. Read both the good and the bad reviews on companies like Young America or SAMI. These are going to help you narrow down your decision a lot. 


Figure out if you want to live off-campus and commute or be walking distance from the Quad.

Off-campus apartments might be a little cheaper and also might be a little farther away from the party scene if that’s what you’re looking for. On-campus might be a little more expensive, but could be worth the time and money you’ll be saving on having to buy a commuter pass and trying to find a parking spot every day. I currently live off-campus, and let me tell you… It can take some time to find a parking spot on this huge campus. 


Take the time to scroll through the websites.

Instead of just showing up to SAMI or First Site’s office with a bunch of questions, take the time to scroll through their websites and decide what type of apartment you want. Having an idea of what you want and the price range you’re looking at is going to be super helpful to the employees of these companies, and will definitely help speed up the process for you. A lot of websites will also have virtual 3D tours that you can tap through, which is what sold me on my apartment! 

Now that we’ve talked about some tips and tricks when it comes to apartment hunting… Let’s get down to some of the best on-campus and off-campus apartments at ISU.

Campus Point

This off-campus apartment is close to Heartland Community College and treats their tenants amazing! Take a look at their Instagram page. They’re constantly offering breakfast bars and ice-cream parties to their tenants just for fun! They also have a nice pool, gym, and close access to a lot of easy restaurants and a grocery store! 



The Park 

Not far from Campus Point, this up and coming apartment complex is right off of Raab Road. It’s not completely finished yet, but from the looks of it is bound to be amazing…. And plus, it’s walking distance from a Starbucks, so it’s obviously great. 

College Station

Also on Raab Road, this off-campus apartment complex is another great one! Only about 3 miles from campus and close to a lot of college necessities, like a movie theatre and a couple different coffee shops. College Station is very big, and comes with a pool for their tenants, which is extremely nice on those hot summer days! 

Now for the on-campus apartments… It can get a little tricky depending on what you want but here are some I personally have heard great things about! 

The Lodge 

These beautiful apartments are great and come with a ton of ammenities, including a hot tub, pool and beautiful decor inside. They are on the pricey range, though and can probably get just a tad crazy during darty season. 

Sugar Creek 

These First Site apartments just got renovated which is great! I personally toured these and they are really beautiful. However, they’re a little further off campus (nothing a bike can’t fix). But overall, I’ve heard great things and seen great reviews for this complex. 

Vernon Stables 

This cheap option is perfect for a college student! They are pretty close to campus. Plus, SAMI has great customer service and is always available for their tenants! You really can’t beat that. 

I know it’s a scary process looking for a new place to live, but with this guide you’ll be set for whatever comes your way. Good luck and happy house hunting! 




Alyssa Ginzburg

Illinois State '22

Hi! I'm Alyssa Ginzburg and I'm a Senior at ISU & I'm studying Middle Level Education! I love writing, fashion, and all things women empowering, which makes Her Campus the perfect environment to share my voice! Check out my Instagram and Twitter if you want to know more! :) Instagram: @alyssaginzburg Twitter: @AlyssaRhea1
Contributor account for Illinois State