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How to Stay Fit When the Gym Isn’t an Option

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Siena chapter.

It’s no secret these past few months have been far from normal. The notorious coronavirus has closed restaurants, malls, and gyms – halting everyday lives. While it may be tempting to ditch a healthy lifestyle all together, it is important to stay in touch with overall wellness. Here are some tips to ease the transition to this new way of life. 

Run and Walk Outside

Get outside! Whether you run or walk, 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise is benefitical for health. Not to mention the added bonus of Vitamin D.

Virtual Classes

A common theme these days are virtual events. So, why not have a virtual workout class? Whether it be from YouTube or Instagram Live, having a schedule of the weekly at home virtual classes will hold you accountable to stay on track.

Plan Out Meals

Exercise is only half the battle of staying fit. Eating a well balanced diet not only contributes to physical health, but will make you feel better overall. Planing out your meals for the day – or even week, if you are feeling ambitious – is a great way to avoid unhealthy snacking.

Make it a Group Effort

Having a workout buddy is another way to be successful. Whether it be by video call or socially distant, it is another way to challenge and motivate each other.

Adjusting to this new way of life can take some time. It is normal to lack motivation, but it is important to remember things will get back to how they were, whether it be in five months or five years.

Emily Weinert is a Siena College Class of 2021 alumna. During her time at Siena, she studied Economics and Actuarial Sciences.