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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

Are you familiar with that little voice inside of your head? Not the one that tells you right from wrong (aka the voice that you’re guilty of ignoring from time to time). I am referring to the voice that is reading this article. Every once in a while, that voice is guilty of going a million miles per second when you are overthinking multiple things. Imagine how many times a day that voice has “said” things that you wanted to happen, did not want to happen, and so on.

Having this voice in our heads is normal. It is necessary to hear this voice at least once a day. In truth, the idea of saying our thoughts and desires aloud sounds foreign and even absurd. Nevertheless, believe it or not, that is the basic idea of manifesting.

What is manifestation?

When I think of manifestation, this quote is the first thing that comes to mind: “Your whole life is a manifestation of the thoughts that go on in your head.” – Lisa Nichols

To put it quite simply, manifesting is intentionally creating what you want. Anyone can manifest anything—a job, good grades, health, and even love. The concept is simplistic, yet the reason it seems so odd to us is because we are not taught to think like that growing up.

For generations, we have believed that we need to work hard to get what we yearn for in life, and if we do not, that goal or desire will be unattainable. Yes, working hard for your goals is essential. However, you may not realize just how powerful manifestation is. Many do not realize that whatever you decide to think about will manifest into your life. If you continuously think about what you do not want to happen, you will manifest it. By acquiring the secrets to manifestation, you begin to change how you think and your outlook on life.

As said before, anyone can practice manifestation. The process itself should not be challenging, and the best part about it is that there is no wrong way to manifest. Everyone’s method varies.

According to “6 Ways to Manifest Anything You Want by Kimberly Zapata, the first step of manifestation is to be clear about your goals. Zapata quotes Angelina Lombardo, author of A Spiritual Entrepreneur, who states that when it comes to knowing precisely what you want, “the more clear and concise, the better.” Once that is established, you can ask the universe anything. You can do it through a vision board, write it down on a piece of paper, or even speak your intentions aloud.

Knowing what you want to manifest is crucial. However, that does not mean that all there is left to do afterwards is have what you want. You still need to put in work to see results. “One way to be ‘in action’ when manifesting is to ask yourself the question, ‘What would my future self be thinking?'” says Lombardo. When you reframe the way you think, you gain a more successful mindset that will benefit you in the future.

Keep in mind that manifesting anything into your life does take time. Although you may want something to happen within a certain time frame, chances are it will not always happen. Having patience and trusting the process is required.

The effects of manifestation

Manifestation varies for everyone. Some things only take days to manifest into your life while others may take a few months. The process is different for every individual. Still, practicing it on a day-to-day basis can be very beneficial. For first-year Santa Fe student Etna Aldazabal, manifestation is more than a routine—it is a healthy lifestyle.

Q: What is your interpretation of manifestation?

Etna Aldazabal (EA):  Manifestation is the purest way of attracting the things that you want—whether it is a job, love interest, financial stability, and way more.

Q: Why did you begin to manifest, and what inspired it?

EA: My journey with manifestation has started since my early childhood. My mom has been an incredibly intuitive person, and all of my journeys with manifestation lead to her and my grandmother who are both immensely spiritual souls. I remember being eight years old and getting upset, and they would tell me to meditate to the sound of the ocean and manifest positive thoughts to get rid of my passive-aggressiveness.

Q: How has manifestation impacted your life and daily routine?

EA: Manifestation has changed my life since the moment that it came into it. Everything I truly want I get through the art of manifestation. Something about bringing positive energy to the world makes you receive it ten times better afterward. It is a fantastic feeling that only people who have experienced it know. Manifestation is for anyone, and anyone can try it to obtain their very best self.

Q: Is there a specific manifestation routine that works best for you?

EA: I have all types of different routines, but lately, I have stuck to one. I get three candles on every new or full moon: a white candle for wisdom, a red one for love, and a green one for financial stability. I light all of those candles at 11:11 p.m. that night and start writing my manifestations as if they’ve already happened. As I write them, I listen to high-frequency music to get myself in tune with the universe. Once I finish, I let the candles burn and put the paper out to absorb the moon. The day after, I burn the paper and forget that I even manifested and watch every manifestation come true little by little.

Jasmine Cubillan is a fourth-year at the University of Florida and is currently studying public relations with a minor in event management and dance. Her articles cover topics from women empowerment to local businesses to support. When she isn't writing articles for Her Campus UFL, she practices yoga or explores new places to have brunch.
UF Class of 2021. Journalism & women's studies. Viviana Moreno is a writer and online creative dedicated to exuding warmth and promoting inclusivity. She creates content that fuels truth and curiosity through her contributions to publications that seek to empower and inform primarily college-aged individuals.