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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

When I think of February, I think of Valentine’s Day:


Valentine’s Day means something different for everyone. As much as we all love rom-coms and the idea of the perfect romantic day with someone we love, this isn’t necessary. We don’t need to have bouquets of flowers, men bending over on one knee, white horses, chocolates, and letters with flawless cursive writing that’s filled with words of affirmation telling us what we’re worth from the one who loves us the most.


Valentine’s Day can be with your significant other, your parents or your friends and family. My friends and I usually give each other our favorite candy or something along those lines. Simply hanging out with each other is what makes the day special. For the longest time, my parents have given my brother, sister, and I stuffed animals — and even though we’ve grown up more, the tradition continues and makes us feel loved.


Sometimes staying in and watching a football game or playing a board game is all it takes to have a good time. 


Sometimes going out on a romantic dinner and fighting over who will pay the bill is considered. a good time.


It’s different for everybody.


What about a college student who is far away from their family during this time? Valentine’s Day for them may be a simple FaceTime call and Netflix marathon. During this pandemic we’re living in, people may not be able to see their loved ones, and they may enjoy their day virtually. 


I think it’s about the little moments.


Some people may like to spend the holiday on their own, and that’s fine too.


Some people’s valentines may be themselves, or their dog, or anything else.


I think the reason why people look forward to Valentine’s Day is because it’s a day devoted to expressing love for others in our life, and love is a huge coping mechanism for a lot of us. If it wasn’t for the people in our lives, how we feel might be different and we might not have the motivation to get out of bed to kick-start our day; at least, without them, it would make it a lot harder to get up. 


But love doesn’t have to come in one form.


Valentine’s Day is an assortment of things. Take for example candies: there’s a reason we hand out cherry candies, caramel or peanut butter ones, and many varieties instead of just the simple Hershey bar. 


People automatically think of romantic love — like a guy proposing to his girlfriend in a stadium full of people as people get all giddy watching them, wishing they could be lucky enough to find something like that.


That’s not the gold standard though. 


Why not propose at an old farmhouse that is special to you?


Or why not just tell your mom how grateful you are for everything she’s done?


Why not spend more time with your grandparents?


Why not give yourself more“you” time?


Just remember, romantic love is only one kind of love. And it’s your day. You can do whatever you want with it, and love however you want to.


Below is a story I wrote to go along with this idea:


It’s just my wedding day. Just another checkmark to check off my bucket list that I made when I was a teenager.


I walk down the aisle. I walk at a normal pace.I walk like I’m going to my fourth period class — the one with the history teacher who has the monotone voice and a mustache that hangs off his face like he’s a real-life caricature painting that someone in France drew.


Okay, maybe I walk a little fast as I look behind me at my mom in her trousers and V-neck shirt with the orange stain. She ruined it this morning when her orange juice “slipped.” I take it. I mean, it’s better than the powdered sugar that makes my dad’s blue t-shirt look like he’s not wearing a shirt at all; and his snorting when he started laughing this morning. I can’t get the image out of my head —the powdered sugar floating out of his nose like it was a natural process for someone to go through when they were eating.


I look at the TV in the living room where our little wedding thing is being held. My fiancé still has his Netflix account up, and I go to meet him at the couch in the front of the room. This is next to the fireplace where I can find my sister’s smelly socks and food stash from the other night. A Netflix screen with some popcorn has always been our favorite date, so we both figured why not. We’ve been dating for ten years prior to this, it’s the only thing that makes sense.


It only took five seconds to become a minister on become-a-minister.com.


My ring is my favorite Light Savers candy. My fingers are small, thin, a little fat on the edges, but it does fit. And it’s blue. So if my future husband knows my favorite color, he must be the one, right?


The after party, aka Netflix party, is what I’m ready for. I’ve kissed the same lips for ten years, felt the same warmth and the same touch.


Changing things up I think is exactly what I need. And what better change is there than to try a new Netflix show we haven’t seen yet and start the “married life” as we all know it’s going to end up being.


Sydney Savage is a graduate of Michigan State University with a BA in psychology and a BA English (with a creative writing concentration). Part of her novel called "I Love You More Than Me" is published at Red Cedar Review, and an excerpt of her other novel, “Just Let Me Go” is published at Outrageous Fortune magazine. She will be getting her Masters in Social Work at the University of Michigan and volunteering for CAPS. She plans to work with adolescents and eating disorder populations. Along with this, she'll be continuing her passion for novel writing and pursuing her dream of publication. She hopes to bring more mental health and body image themes into the book publishing market. She is a current member of Michigan Romance Writers. You can read some of her works on her personal blog and website: https://sydsavage13.wixsite.com/sydwriter13 Her twitter is @realsydsavage13 and her writing insta is @sydwriter13
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