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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utica chapter.

We are all excited about the warmer weather we are facing on the brink of the upcoming spring. Everyone is happily going for outdoor walks and packing away the heavy winter essentials now that the ground isn’t snow-covered. Maybe you are feeling motivated too but you are not sure what to do. Well, something super productive you can do in preparation for your spring cleaning is a spring declutter. If you can get rid of things that you no longer need, you’ll have less to clean. Here are a few tips to help you get your spring to declutter started:

Start With Your Winter Clothes

Do you have some cold weather pieces that you didn’t wear at all this winter? It is probably time to get rid of those instead of packing them away with the winter clothes you do wear. Check your fuzzy socks for holes and make sure they all have matches before you switch them out. Maybe you have fifteen hats but only ever wear one, consider pairing down on the bulky winter items you have and keep only what you use.

Unused Indoor Entertainment

If you have what seems like a hundred books that you didn’t read while you were inside it may be time to part with some. If you can’t picture yourself reading that book on a beautiful day outside on a blanket then maybe it’s time to pass it on. Maybe you have a stash of board games or puzzles that you never reach for, let them go. You can get rid of all of the extra chords you are keeping around that you have no idea what they’re for.

All of the Items That  Are No Longer Useful

While you were inside all winter did you notice you have a lot of expired medications/makeup/food? Now is the time to check all of those expiration dates and discard the items that are no longer good. Check your pens and get rid of the ones that don’t work anymore, throw away tupperware that doesn’t have a matching lid, it’s time to get rid of the candles that are all used up as well.

I hope these ideas help you make use of your warm-weather motivation. Of course, this isn’t a complete list of what to look through to declutter, but I think this is a good place to start. Springtime is the time for new beginnings, give yourself a new beginning with a less cluttered house. You can also give some of your old items a new beginning as well by donating what you can. Gook luck with your decluttering, and enjoy your spring!

I am a mathematics major at Utica college. On campus I am also a sister of Theta Phi Alpha sorority, a member of the honors program, and the math club.