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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the idea of taking the GRE? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Preparing for this standardized test can be a daunting task, but with the right study tips and resources, you can conquer it.

  1. Create a study plan
    • Before you begin studying, create a study plan that works for you. Set aside specific times each day or week to focus on GRE prep. Determine how much time you have until your test date and allocate your study time accordingly.
  2. Utilize digital resources
    • Fortunately, there are many resources available online to help you prepare for the GRE. Some popular options include Khan Academy, Magoosh, Kaplan, Manhattan Prep, and obviously ETS (the company that administers the GRE). These services offer practice questions, study guides, and video lessons to help you improve your GRE skills.
  3. Take practice tests
    • One of the best ways to prepare for the GRE is by taking practice tests. This will give you an idea of what to expect on test day and help you identify areas where you need to improve. ETS offers two free practice tests on their website, and most third-party platforms offer free practice tests in their trials. More tests can be found in prepbooks in the range of $15-45. Used or half off book stores are a great way to get books for cheap, and libraries can provide the same function for free – or well – the registration cost of a library card.
  4. Focus on your weaknesses
    • As you take practice tests, pay attention to the areas where you struggle the most. Make a note of these topics and focus your study efforts on improving in those areas. It’s important to have a well-rounded understanding of all GRE topics, but improving your weaknesses can make a big difference in your overall score.
  5. Stay motivated
    • Studying for the GRE can be a long and tedious process, but it’s important to stay motivated. Set goals for yourself and reward yourself when you achieve them. Join a study group or find a study buddy to keep yourself accountable and motivated.
Vanna Chen

Texas '23

Senior Computer Science Major Sleepy, Funny, Addicted to Kombucha