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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Washington chapter.

The three best books I read in 2022 go as follows: Normal People, Conversations with Friends, and Beautiful World, Where Are You. Created by the brilliant mind of none other than Irish author Sally Rooney, these novels explore the ever-evolving and complicated nature of human relationships. The “Rooneyverse” refers to the world in which Rooney’s complex yet relatable characters live. Here’s my quick guide to her work.

Normal People

Normal People, probably the most popular of Rooney’s novels, is a great place to start. The novel follows the relationship between characters Marianne and Connell, making time jumps from their high school days to college and beyond. Ostracized Marriane’s and popular Connell’s secret high school fling comes with emotional baggage as the characters work through coming-of-age identity struggles. As the story progresses into their university days, their roles in life seem to switch, and power imbalances ensue. Rooney makes keen remarks on classism when depicting the effects of wealth and status on social class and relationships, while simultaneously embedding heart-wrenching lines about first love and first heartbreak. For a good cry followed by moments of healing, give this novel your undivided attention. 

Conversations With Friends

Rooney’s debut novel, Conversations with Friends, highlights the complicated dynamics and shapes relationships can take form in. College kids Frances and Bobbi find themselves intertwined in the relationship of Melissa and Nick – a married couple. Trust, friendship, and romance are central themes to this novel as Frances and Nick grow closer, and Bobbi and Melissa do the same. I found this novel slightly more difficult to follow than Normal People because it follows the development and decaying of multiple relationships; however, it is nonetheless beautifully written and well-deserving of a read.

Beautiful World, Where Are You

When reading this novel as a freshly-turned 18-year-old, I found myself having a difficult time connecting with the characters, especially after reading Normal People. However, I can assure you that Beautiful World, Where Are You is worth as much praise as Rooney’s first two novels. This novel centers around characters in their mid to late twenties. While they’ve somewhat found their place in the world, they’re still struggling with friendships, relationships, and the triumphs and heartbreaks of life. One of my favorite features of this novel is how it highlights female friendships through protagonists Alice and Eileen. Various chapters are dedicated to transcribing the lengthy and personal email conversations between the two women, showing the depth and sincerity of their friendship.

From first love to marriage to long-term friendships, Rooney covers it all. You really can’t go wrong with any novel set in the wonderful Rooneyverse.

Koren Kano

Washington '26

Koren is a Contributing Editor at HCUW this year. She is a sophomore majoring in Psychology and minoring in Law, Societies, & Justice at the UW. She is from Honolulu, Hawai'i and enjoys spending time outdoors on hikes or at the beach. Koren was a Contributing Writer last year, focusing on pieces about fashion, experiences, and college life.