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Reflecting On My Emotional End-Of-The-Quarter Spiral

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

I feel like Weeks 7 and 8 are when the end-of-quarter work really hits you. There could be a second round of midterms coming up, material continues to get challenging and there are projects and finals just around the corner.Ā This doesn’t even include all the outside deadlines you put on yourself to get certain things done by the end of the quarter, whether that be career-related or even course planning for the quarter ahead.Ā Everything seems so different: jumbled and important at the same time.Ā 

But the real thing to keep in mind is, even though you feel like it’s all of YOUR work catching up to you, and all of YOUR deadlines not leaving you alone, you are definitely not alone in your overwhelming feelings of anxiousness. The end of the quarter is always a chaotic time of having to master time management to hold your grades, extracurricular endeavors and social life together. Even if your classes or schedule might be different, there are other people on this campus that are going through the exact emotions you are.

This is not just happening to you, and you are not weak for feeling anxious. Your emotions are real, and your emotions are valid. I, for one, have been known to place academic validation over my own mental health on numerous occasions. It feels great when it’s over, but when you’re in the moment, you’re just going through the motions. Actually, you’re rushing through the motions, and no matter how satisfying “having everything under control” feels, you aren’t really feeling much except the overwhelming pressure to get things done.

The unfortunate thing about this is I actually can confirm I am not the only one who does this. Honestly, no one is to blame for it besides the system that makes us feel like we have to take on so much to do things we are actually passionate about. And even if I like everything I am doing right now, everything can get a bit much sometimes.

I know it’s hard to actually believe this, but there is enough time in the day for you to do something for yourself away from everything you have to complete. Even if it doesn’t fit into your schedule, the only way you can healthily and properly get everything done is by taking a little break, no matter how hard it is. If it isn’t downpouring like it has been the past couple of days, go outside and take a stroll. Go with your friends or put some music on; it doesn’t matter.

You can take 20 minutes to watch a short episode of a show you like that doesn’t actually require using your brain. You can make an effort to meet someone for lunch or dinner, so your meals aren’t just reminders of the work you have to get done.

It’s hard to see the options, but they are there. I promise. They are worth it if it means you get a break from everything that’s on your plate, even if it’s just for 20 minutes. We’ve all felt this way sometime before, and we all know we can push through. Maybe this time we can remember that we’re all pushing together even if it looks a little different for everyone.

Neeti is a UCLA student who has loved writing ever since she was born, whether that meant composing poetry or writing opinionated articles. She loves learning languages and is currently learning her fifth one. She loves water, hiking, biking, playing with her dog, and listening to music.