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books on brown wooden shelf
Susan Yin/Unsplash

What Dead Week is Really Like…As Told By “New Girl”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WWU chapter.

The week before finals is called Dead Week for one of two reasons. Either we are so crammed preparing for finals that there is no time for anything else and we die of exhaustion, or we procrastinate so intensely that we literally spend the entire week doing absolutely nothing. Our favorite characters from Fox’s New Girl break down the struggles we face this last stretch before Spring Break. 


You just have a hard time trying to stay focused.


Your friends will ask if you want to go out, even though you still have a lot of studying to do.


One of your final dead week assignments is a group project, I repeat, group project. 


Calculating the grade you have to get on your final to get an A in class.


Asking your smarter classmates to study with you.


Trying to rationalize your binge watching. 


You usually fail at eating healthy during this stressful time.


You also probably fail at all attempts to keep a work out schedule. 


When your roommates comment on your poor eating habits. 


You and your roommate start to get weirdly bored.


You start trying weird things to get the brain going.


Trying to read that dense textbook you’ve been avoiding all quarter.


You take desperate measures to get yourself to study.


You get really excited when you finally start an actual assignment.


When your mom calls worried because she hasn’t heard from you.


Stepping outside after spending the whole week studying in the library.


Your reaction when you can’t study because of all the really tempting dead week partying in your dorm or apartment complex. 


You’re slightly ashamed of how lame your weekend doing nothing was.


You keep telling yourself you’ll never procrastinate like this again. But really know it’s inevitable. 


By then end we’re all thinking this. 


Dead week is nearly over, finals are here are then we’re FREE.

Danika is a student at Western Washington University where she is majoring in English Creative Writing and minoring in Writing Studies. She's an avid reader and aspiring young adult/children's literature publisher. Her interests include intramural sports, traveling, Harry Styles, and all things Disneyland. Follow her on twitter or check out her website.