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Weird Reasons We Gain Weight

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WVWC chapter.


There’s nothing wrong with having a few little habits that aren’t so good for you. Grabbing a cookie instead of carrots, getting soda instead of water – these are harmless little things that we get satisfaction out of, and they’re not that bad for you, right? However, there are a few quirks that will cause you to gain weight over time without you even realizing it.

First, adding cream and sugar to your coffee. It won’t kill you, but a heavy hand with the condiments adds empty calories to your diet. Even stirring in half-and-half and a couple of packs of sugar can add 50 calories to your five-calorie cup of joe, which, over a year, will give you up to five extra pounds.

Second, you shouldn’t eat while multitasking. Getting a boxed lunch might be tempting if you’re behind on homework, but studies show that you’re more likely to overeat when you’re distracted. We tend not to recall very much about what we’ve just put in our mouths if we’re doing work at the same time. This can cause some serious damage over long amounts of time, so do your best to get to the cafeteria!

Finally, and possibly the strangest yet, is leaving lights on. Studies have shown that people who use “light producing objects,” such as televisions and computers, gain more weight than those who turn them off at least an hour before they go to bed. This is because it changes the time (not amount) of food ingested, which messes up the metabolism.

While these habits are fine, if you’re trying to lose weight, it might be a good idea to ease up on these habits. Every little effort counts! 

A Writing and Gender Studies Major, Alpha Gamma Delta sister, and 4Her.