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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WPUNJ chapter.

The Internet is the largest free market service in the world and the American public are its greatest prime user. Dismantling this could make your internet slower and prevent you from watching those cute cat videos that get you through the day, getting certain information you need to use for your class paper, or even watching videos without the bother of loading.

What to know: Net Neutrality essentially blocks Internet service corporations from raising prices to see certain content. It also blocks companies from making users pay more to see their content faster; stopping the creation of the “fast lane” and “slow lane” for using the Internet.

Why you should care:

Freedom to see whatever information you want.

This literally means any information including news, education, commercial, etc. We are what we know, and the way we treat people and how we behave is all based on the type of information we see. Freedom of information without restriction is what further prevents bias and the ability to express our opinions.


Freedom of Speech.

Not only is this unfair but it’s unconstitutional. Undoing Net Neutrality gives liberty for large corporations like Comcast, Verizon, and AT&T to control the level of voice people have on the internet, all based on how much they spend. It keeps from everyone having an equal playing field to voice their opinions online. Why should voices be heard based on how much people pay?

Freedom of speed.

Right now, everyone pays one price to be able to view whatever content they wish at the same fast speed. Demolishing Net Neutrality will force you to pay more to view the content you want in the fast speed you deserve.


In a New York Times article, the Republican F.C.C. chairman, Ajit Pai, has claimed that his proposal for undoing Net Neutrality will allow “government to stop micromanaging the internet.” The telecom companies’ stance is that the “rules prevent them from offering customers a wider selection of services at higher and lower price points.” Their claims are no surprise since telecom companies have tried to supersede and monopolies the internet for the past decade. As credited by Reddit post:

I dare you to look up if all this actually happened, because it unfortunately did and telecom companies aren’t going to stop trying unless we fight against it.

Here’s How YOU can Help!

Reddit, Kickstarter, Twitter, and other companies publically stands with Net Neutrality. They are encouraging the public to basically BREAK THE INTERNET. Protest online by going to https://www.battleforthenet.com/breaktheinternet/ and follow their instructions on how to effectively voice your concerns by constantly tweeting. You can do this by a single touch of a button!

Go to https://www.battleforthenet.com/ to call, email or text your local congressional representatives, or just text NET to 384-387 to Congress and stop the FCC.

Guess what? Spamming your state Congress actually does something! Just like the recent turnout in Alabama’s senate elections, Doug Jones, a Democratic candidate won in Alabama’s senate elections in 25 years against Roy Moore, who was accused of having sexual relations with 14-year-old.

Contacting your local senator and state representatives wins. Letting your voice be heard actually does something because it blocks phone lines, slows down networks hence making those in the congress actually pay attention to you. Spam them with tweets, Instagram, Facebook, etc.; make them pay attention to the injustice that is happening. Basically, break the internet.

Now get out there and spam your congressional representatives!


 Di Onne Agnew "chic, comfy, and stylish"