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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WPUNJ chapter.
Hey, collegiettes! I’m here to save the semester… well, at least I’ll try to save you from tearing your hair out during finals week. There are only a few weeks of classes left and some of us have already started to feel the pressure. So here are a few tips to stay on top of your game and stress less until summer vacation!
Plan your school work.
Use a planner to scheduale study time and school work. Stick to those “appoinments” — it’ll be much easier getting work done this way rather than procastinating and cramming the very last week. Plus, it’s much less stressful and you get to plan out “me” time.
Save social media for later!
Turn off social media. No, seriously; just shut it all off. It can be such a huge distraction, especially if you are trying to study. You can take just one look at your instagram notification and the next thing you know you went through all of your social networks in one hour! That’s time taken away from what is really important. If necessary, turn off your phone while you are studying. Imagine homework that can get done in one hour. It’s totally possible!
Sleep is your best bet for success. Whether it’s a full 8 hours every night or naps in-between classes, staying well rested will help with your focus. And as a PSA for commuters: if you don’t know, there is a new Nap Room in 171A (under the ballrooms) brought to you by Commuter Services. If you need a nap before your next class or study session, go check it out.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
Actively seek out help if you need it. If the stress is getting to you or you’re feeling overwhelmed, talk to someone. PAL Tutors and tutors at the Writing Centers are available if you need academic help. You can also try to see your professors during their office hours. Take advantage of these things. Waiting until the last minute to ask for help is not a good idea — it’s going to be hard, especially towards the end of the semester.
Don’t let yourself get discouraged.
Sometimes all you need is to just talk to people who love you unconditionally and support you no matter what happens. Talking to your best friend, your family, or any support system will boost your self-esteem! You can do this; we’ve got faith in you.
And last but not least: Avoid joining a study group that will turn into a social hang-out.
In my opinion, it is best to work by yourself especially during these hard times. Study groups can be distracting, and you may never get work done. Unless you really trust that the people in the study group are hard workers, it’s probably best to steer clear and study on your own.
Even though these tips are pretty much common sense (and you’ve probably heard them since the beginning of the semester), they almost always work! Good luck with your finals, collegiettes!
 Madonna Tapasco is a Broadcast Journalism Major with a passion for beauty, street fashion, and a health and fitness enthusiast. She is an animal lover who has two dogs of her own named Tyson and Jack. She dreams to one day tell the news on television, have her own talk show and be an inspiration to woman who struggle with their weight.
 Di Onne Agnew "chic, comfy, and stylish"