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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

If you are looking for a healthy, sweet treat this holiday season, look no further! Maria Novak, a Dietetics student here at UW-Madison has a treat just for you. After reaching out to the Dietetics and Nutrition Club, a student organization that has a passion for healthy living and food in the Madison area, Maria came forward with a delicious and nutritious treat for all to munch anytime over the holidays!         

Peppermint Bark


Organic Dark Cooking Chocolate

Coconut Flakes (with or without sugar)



Pour the chocolate into a cookie sheet covered in foil. Sprinkle with coconut and crushed candy canes on top. Then, place it in fridge until fully hardened. Break apart, and enjoy!

This peppermint bark is easy, quick, (relatively) healthy, and scrumptious! Also, it is perfect to make for college girls with a chocolate craving before finals… Need I say more?

A big thank you to Maria for the recipe!

Happy Holidays!

Madison is a senior at the University of Wisconsin pursuing a major in English Literature with minors in Entrepreneurship and Digital Media Studies. Post college, Madison plans to complete her dreams of being the next Anna Wintour. In her free time, Madison enjoys listening to Eric Hutchinson, eating dark chocolate, and FaceTiming her puppies back home. When she isn't online shopping, or watching YouTube bloggers (ie Fleur DeForce), Madison loves exploring the vast UW Campus and all it has to offer! She is very excited to take this next step in her collegiette career as Campus Correspondent and Editor-in-Chief for HC Wisco. On Wisconsin!