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How to Create an Amazing Morning Routine

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.

Mornings are definitely not everyone’s favorite time of day. I used to despise mornings and would basically be a zombie for the first two hours of the day. But I have truly grown to love them and how they create the tone for your entire day. If you look at any successful businesswoman or entrepreneur, nine times out of ten she has a non-negotiable morning routine. While there is no “perfect” morning routine or set thing you have to do every morning, it’s important to set a standard for the day. Here a few tips as you re-work your mornings: 

Routine is Everything 

The key to a morning routine is to make it a habit. Decide what exactly you want to do each morning and stick to it.  Starting each day off the same will help your tired brain wake up every morning without even thinking about it. It might be hard at first, but once you get in the habit it will be like second nature to you. 

photo courtesy of: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-BMmro4KSxZE/ViWXWEt5wTI/AAAAAAAAVuM/v2QGG0iHqjQ/s1600/fall%2Bmorning%2Broutine%2B.jpg

Establish a Sleep Pattern

You have probably heard this one before, but having a sleep pattern is amazing for establishing a great morning. Going to sleep and waking up at the same time every day will keep you from feeling groggy when you first wake up and make getting up and going that much easier. 

photo courtesy of:https://www.pinterest.com/pin/381046818455856343/

Get Inspired 

Another thing your morning routine should include is some sort of inspiration. Meditate, read a devotional or a few inspirational quotes first thing in the morning. It will make you feel excited and grateful about the day ahead and motivate you to have the best day ever! 

photo courtesy of: https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/16×9/822/20160616144523-good-night-sleep-morning-routine-wake-up-stretching-relaxation.jpeg

Set Aside Enough Time 

Nothing is worse than waking up late and rushing out the door in the morning – the whole day ends up seeming hurried and off balance. I like to wake up about two hours before I have to be anywhere. While this definitely isn’t always possible or realistic, when I do, it gives me the energy and calm I need to tackle my day. 

photo courtesy of: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/280982464229804666/

Even if you’re not a morning person, I hope these tips help to ease yourself into the day and have a slightly more positive view on mornings!   


Girly girl. Pinterest addict. Actress.
Wake Forest Chapter of Her Campus