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Thanksgiving DIY’s to Get You in the Spirit

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

Thanksgiving is one of the most underrated holidays. Sandwiched between Halloween and Christmas, it’s no wonder it’s often overlooked. But Thanksgiving has a lot going for it: it’s like the pregame to Christmas, it’s the perfect fall transition from Halloween to Christmas and it is delicious (who doesn’t love mashed potatoes?). These DIY’s will get you in the Thanksgiving spirit.


When your Halloween jack-o-lanterns rot and the fake spider webs come down, these DIY’s will perfectly and easily spruce up a dorm or apartment.

Paint Pumpkins

Speaking of jack-o-lanterns, painting pumpkins is a great way to bring fall into the home. These are a nice option because you can get creative with patterns or styles and be way less messy than when gutting and carving a pumpkin. No knives needed! Find a how-to here

Mason Jars

Mason jars are pretty universally acknowledged to be the perfect decorations. You can use them as centerpieces, candle holders, cups or whatever else you can think of.

This DIY how to is an adorable way to start a Thanksgiving tradition with you friends and roommates. Paint and decorate the jar then have everyone slip in notes on what they are thankful for. It’s great for a Friends-giving!

Grab a leaf from outside to use as a stencil for a candle holder like this

Or mod-podge leaves onto the jar for an elegant candle arrangement like this.


With adulthood often comes the expectation that you will contribute by bringing food to the Thanksgiving celebration whether it be a family function or a Friends-giving. Obviously this can be a rather daunting task, especially if you live in a dorm or small apartment.

Veggie Plate

A simple veggie plate like this one is easy and cute. You could even grab a vegetable plate from the grocery store and just rearrange the vegetables on a different plate into a festive turkey.

Mashed Potatoes

Again, who doesn’t like mashed potatoes? This recipe uses a crockpot, allowing you to skip a lot of the complicated steps to usual mashed potatoes and lets you skip out on having to wash a lot of dirty dishes.

Fall Fashion

Along with Thanksgiving comes chilly weather and fall fashion. Transitioning your fashion from summer can be expensive.

If you have and old sweater you don’t like anymore or that doesn’t fit, upcycle the sleeves into cute and cozy boot socks like these

With chilly weather comes dark lipstick. This site has 11 ways to create a berry lipstick perfect for you. Skip the trip to Sephora and wear your personal shade to Thanksgiving dinner.

Now that your living space is spruced up, you’re prepared with food and you have the fall look, you are ready for Thanksgiving! What are some of your favorite fall DIY’s?

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Katie, a Senior at VCU, is majoring in International Studies focused in European studies and is minoring in both Spanish and Writing. She credits all success and sanity to dry shampoo, The Arctic Monkeys, and chocolate. Her favorite things include argumentative essays, pitbull puppies (or really any puppy), and spring. Katie hopes to one day get paid to travel the world and write.
Keziah is a writer for Her Campus. She is majoring in Fashion Design with a minor in Fashion Merchandising. HCXO!