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College Girl’s Guide To Black Friday Shopping

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

As our annual Black Friday shopping spree time approaches, a game plan is needed. Here are some of the best tips for your next Black Friday shopping spree.

1. Shop the Ads.

By looking at the ads you can pick out exactly what you want before you go shopping. You can also pick out the specific stores you want to go to so you do not waste your time somewhere.

2. Make a Plan.

This step of the process, although a key player, requires flexibility. However, having a general plan of the stores that you want to go to at least allows for a general time plan. This ensures you do not miss any of the places you want to go, and it also allows you to know the times of each of the sales.

3. Set a Budget.

A budget prevents you from going overboard on shopping because we still have to be able to pay those bills at the end of the month. You should also set aside a little budget for anything that you find along the way, like special little-discounted items.

4. Cut any coupons you may need.

Some stores offer special discounts you need a coupon for so make sure you print out and cut those coupons that you could need for later.

5. Get the things you can only get during Black Friday.

With Cyber Monday right around the corner, remember to only get the things on Black Friday that are truly on sale. There are a ton of larger sales that you can get on Cyber Monday so be sure to check and make sure you are making worthwhile purchases.

6. Go Early and Stay Late.

Many people tend to get there early, grab what they want and leave, but take your time looking around the store and you will be able to find more discounts throughout the store.

7. Have Fun!

Do not let the stress of Black Friday get to you. Go have fun and find some great deals!

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Autumn is a junior at Virginia Commonwealth University studying Forensic Science with a concentration in Biology and minors in Anthropology, Biology, and Chemistry. She has an addiction to Starbucks and Panera Mac and Cheese and can usually be found with her nose in a book during her free time. She is also an active member of VCU's Rowdy Rams and the Forensic Science Student Club. In her free time, she loves to watch movies and hang out with her friends and family; including her beloved dog, Jake.
Keziah is a writer for Her Campus. She is majoring in Fashion Design with a minor in Fashion Merchandising. HCXO!