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5 Beauty Habits You Should Be Doing Before Bed

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

There’s a lot more involved in getting ready for bed besides checking Instagram and waiting for goodnight texts. Your body does a lot while you’re sleeping, but it needs a little help from you before you get that much needed beauty sleep. Here are five beauty habits you should be doing for bed.

1. Remove Your Makeup

We’ve all been there. We get home from a long day and think to ourselves “I’m just going to lay down for two minutes.” That turns into an hour and next thing you know you’re in the bed stripped down, but with a full face of makeup. Not removing makeup can cause early aging/wrinkles, and clogged pores which will eventually lead to acne and unwanted spots. It may take an extra five minutes, but you and your face will be happier in the morning. 


2. Apply a Face Mask

Whether it’s Vitamin E, coconut oil, or castor oil, applying a face mask is meant to preserve your beauty. There’s facial masks for everything; black heads, acne, dry/oily skin, and tone enhancers. Aside from beauty purposes face masks are great for relaxing while your face mask does all the work. 


3. Sleep On a Silk or Satin Pillowcase

If you’re like everyone else, you’re probably sleeping on a cotton pillowcase, but did you know you’re tugging at delicate parts of your face and hair? Sleeping on a silk or satin pillowcase prevents aging and it also helps protect hair. Instead of rubbing against the pillowcase causing breakage, your hair will glide and be a lot softer when you wake up!


4. Drink Cold Water

Drinking a cold glass of water before bed is not only beneficial to your health, but it preserves your beauty. Scientist say this replenishes any fluids you may have lost through out the day. It’s also a natural calorie burner, so you’re exercising without having to lift a finger!


5. Moisturize

Moisturize everything from your lips, elbows, legs and feet. The key is choosing a subtle moisturizer that is right for your specific skin type. This keeps your natural beauty. 


Her Campus at Valdosta State.