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Things I Wish I Knew Before Leaving For University

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWindsor chapter.

I’ve been in university, away from home, for a semester and a half now. During this time I have been able to reflect on how these five and a half months have gone. For the most part, being away from home and finally being out of high school has been great. But of course, everything has its drawbacks. Here’s a list of things I wish I’d known before leaving home:


1. High school teachers may think they are preparing you for university… but they’re not

My high school teachers always told us that they were preparing us for the big leagues, but really, university is a whole new ballgame! In all fairness, with the way school boards are set up I don’t think they ever really could prepare us well enough, but I experienced a huge transition that I don’t think I was fully prepared for.

2. No one cares what you’re wearing, what your hair/makeup looks like, etc… and if they do they’re not going to say anything

Universities are very diverse spaces with people from all over the world. Everyone looks different and you will see people with styles on each end of the spectrum. I definitely feel more comfortable wearing some things in university than I did in high school because nobody knows me and people are more accepting of different styles.

3. Learning to cook more

While this may not be a life lesson, I definitely wish I had spent more time learning to cook various dishes under the reassurance of my parents before I entered a space where I had to cook on my own.

4. There are so many options available that you are never stuck

First semester is undoubtedly the toughest. You’re adjusting to a new life and trying to stay on top of school work at the same time. I began to feel like maybe the program I was in wasn’t the right fit for me. By researching I found so many options that the university offered and that they were easy changes to make! I knew from then on that if I ever felt stuck a change was only a mouse click away.

5. The first four months are the hardest… but they will fly by

As I said in the last point, first semester was the hardest for me. I was away from home for the first time, I wasn’t getting the grades I wanted, and I missed my friends and family. I am lucky to have the best support systems ever, but the first couple months really did a number on me. Thankfully they went by fast, and by the start of second semester things were falling into place. You just have to keep your head up.

6. Moving out isn’t as scary as it seems

I was terrified to move out of my house and away from my parents. Luckily, I found that it wasn’t so bad. You get freedom, the chance to experience life on your own, and your parents are super excited for you to come home!

7. There are so many resources for people in your exact situation

Take for instance this book I have called “The Little Book of Life Hacks: How to Make Your Life Happier, Healthier, and More Beautiful” by Yumi Sakugawa. It is filled with tons of useful life hacks from getting various laundry stains out to making your own peanut butter!



Meghan is a second year English Major at the University of Windsor. She is minoring in Environmental Science. Meghan loves fashion, reading and writing, and nature/the environment. She hopes to enter the world of Editing or Journalism after University. Meghan is excited to share her ideas and opinions with the Her Campus followers!