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Ryan O’Leary ’14

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVM chapter.


Name: Ryan O’Leary

Year: Junior

Orignally from: Millbury, MA

Major: Nursing

Relationship Status: Single

College Life

What are your favorite courses you’ve taken at UVM?

Any class with Whitfield for history, or Stuart Whitney for nursing.

What is your campus involvement?

Army ROTC and undergraduate student leadership council for the College of Nursing and Health Sciences.

If you could choose another major, what would you chose?

Athletic training

Best study spot?

The lantern in the Lofts, or Bailey/Howe 2nd floor.

Weirdest thing you’ve encountered at UVM?

The amount of people who walk barefoot to class regardless of weather.

What is your dream job?

I would love to work in pediatric oncology.

Favorite things to do on the weekends?

Go downtown with friends, grab some food, and maybe see a movie.

Favorite Movie?

Tough question… Gladiator and Last of the Mohicans.

Favorite TV Show?

Wish Prison Break was still on!

Boxers or briefs?


Biggest pet peeve?

Smoking- very unattractive.

What are your plans for the summer?

I’ll be in Washington state for army training for 2 months, then I’ll come back to school a week or so early to relax.

What is one strange thing about yourself that most people would never guess?

­I’ve never been to a concert… definitely want to this summer though. Country most likely.

If you were a Ben and Jerry’s flavor, what would you be and why?

I don’t know that many flavors, but I LOVE chocolate chip cookie dough.

You’re stranded on a desert island, and can only bring 3 items… What do you bring?

A kayak, fishing rod, and guitar.

Girliest movie you’ve ever watched?

If you haven’t seen The Notebook or How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days, you’re lying or haven’t had a girlfriend.

If you could have one superpower what would it be?

Flying would be sick.


Love Life

Favorite pick-up line?

I kind of let things happen, I don’t use lines. I just like to have a good time! If I can make her laugh, I’m happy.

What would be the perfect first date?

Dinner and something fun, like mini golf or go-karts. Having fun and opening up… maybe ice cream after?

If you were serenading a girl, what song would you sing?

If I could sing, or play the guitar… I have no idea

What do guys worry about on the first date?

What is she thinking? How is the date actually going? Is she into me? That kind of stuff.

What is the biggest mistake someone could make on a first date?

Being disrespectful, and/or not being yourself.

What are your feelings towards Tinder?

Heard of it, don’t know much about it.

Sweetest thing you’ve ever done for a girl?


Biggest turn-on?

A girl who likes sports/fitness, movies, and has a sense of humor.

Biggest turn-off?

I don’t care how attractive you are, if you smoke then you’re not for me; or if you’re stuck-up.

Who’s your celeb crush?

Mila Kunis, Jennifer Aniston, and Jennifer Lawrence

Any tips for the single kids on campus?

Be yourself.

Now let’s hear what some of Ryan’s friends have to say about him…

“Saw him come out of the shower once…. Damn.”- Matt ‘14

“Yea, I’d be the jelly to his peanut butter sandwiches”- Jordana ‘14

“Ryan O’Leary is someone even your grandmother would have a crush on”-  Liz ‘14

“Freshman year, Ryan and I were going to a party downtown with a bunch of girls, and we were struggling to communicate with words. I resorted to the army hand signals that Ryan taught me, and he instantly knew where to go”- Scott ‘14