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The Beauty Closet: Add Some Zest To Your Beauty Routine

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVM chapter.

I found this article from Tone It Up, a great fitness and nutrition program, too great to not share. Who would have thought that the things that make our lips pucker and eyes scrunch up actually help us look so much healthier!

Want to sustain that awesome morning boost? Sip a little lemon water throughout your day ~ particularly before meals ~ for a host of amazing benefits.

Here are the top 3 reasons to add a little squeeze of lemon to your water or tea:

1. Smooth, Glowing Skin! Lemons contain a high dose of antioxidants, Vitamin C and Citric Acid ~ this trio not only boosts your immune system, but also increases collagen production for plump, youthful skin. Vitamin C can also help clear up blemishes, and even help with scarring when applied topically!

2.  Helps with Weight Loss! A little lemon water before meals reduces hunger, helps with digestion and also contributes to detoxification by aiding liver function.

3. Gives you Energy & Helps you Concentrate! The scent of lemons has been said to increases alertness and boost your energy!

The best way to get your fix? Make a batch of Zesty Spa Water below to enjoy throughout the day, just squeeze half a lemon in a glass of water or add a little citrus love to your raw green and steamed veggies!

Zesty Spa Water

~ 1 Liter of Water

~ Juice of 3 Lemons

~ 2 packets of Stevia

~ A handful of Fresh Mint

Mix all ingredients together and keep in the fridge for a refreshing treat any time. Or take it on the go and sip throughout your day for a nice little boosts while running errands, school, work or at the gym!

If you want to view the original article, you can do so by clicking here to be directed to the Tone It Up blog!