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Applying to Graduate School, As Told by Gifs from ’The Office’

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

Applying to any graduate program can be a long, stressful, sometimes tear-inducing journey. It takes a lot of time and preparation to make sure you’ve done everything the program requires, and to make sure your application stands out from the rest. Sometimes it doesn’t always end up in our favor, but we can’t help but try our best. In an effort to laugh through all of the painful, funny, and exciting aspects of applying to grad school (and to procrastinate my own application), here is what applying to graduate school is like, as told by gifs from The Office!

Trying to find a program that’s a perfect match


When you see how many prerequisites you need


And when you realize you need more extracurricular activities on your application 


Using those extracurricular activities to show how versatile you are


Trying to fit everything in your Statement of Purpose and stay within the word count

When the application due date starts getting closer


After sacrificing your social life, sleep schedule, and sanity to make sure everything on your application is perfect


Nailing your interview 


When you find out how many other people have applied to the same program as you 


When you’re waiting to find out if you were accepted 


And when you finally get the acceptance/rejection letter 


If you got accepted 


If you got rejected 


But there’s always next year 


If you’re in the process of applying to grad school, I wish you the best of luck and I completely sympathize with you! If you aren’t applying to grad school but still read this article, hopefully it didn’t scare you away from considering applying to one. 

Hannah is a Senior at the University of Utah studying Kinesiology and Sports Nutrition. When she isn’t in class or working at one of her jobs, you can find her hiking with her dogs, reading, or fervently adding more pictures to her Pinterest Style board with a chai latte in hand. Find her on Instagram @hannahjanelangley
Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor