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7 Ways to Make Studying for Finals Productive

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

Studying for finals can be a real drag, but is a necessity here in college.  With so much going on around us and in our lives, it’s easy to get distracted and get less work done than you originally hoped for. To help avoid this problem, here are 7 studying tips to help the process go more smoothly and so (hopefully) you can be done a lot faster and enjoy an amazing summer!

1.  Get out of your house/apartment. 

When you’re in your home it is super easy to get distracted. You may want to start cleaning, watch tv, or lay in bed instead of studying. Go to the library or a quiet coffee shop where it is more of a study environment, so you have less distractions.

2.   Study solo.

Of course you don’t have to do this all the time, but it is especially helpful when you are on a time crunch and need to absorb the material. Also, when you study with friends you tend to get off subject way too much. Even though it may be more fun, it’s not always very effective!

3.   Study with a partner.

I know I just said to study by yourself, but once you think you know the material, grab a friend and have them quiz you. Studying in pairs can be more productive rather than a big group.

4.   Put your earphones in.

Surrounding noises can be super annoying and distracting. Hearing the blender go off at a coffee shop or a group of people talking loudly can break your concentration. Putting on instrumental music can help you get in the zone while blocking out outside noise. Try to avoid music with lyrics since you may be tempted to sing along in your head, which may make it hard to retain information.

5.   Take breaks.

Don’t overwork yourself. If you don’t take breaks, you may burn out. Every hour set an alarm for you to take a ten minute break. Get up and walk for a second or stretch (or browse Her Campus!). Keep your eyes off your studies, and take time to gather yourself. Once the ten minutes are up, get back to work!

6.   Keep water by your side.

Before you begin your study sesh make sure you have a full bottle of water next to you. Taking sips of water throughout your studying keeps you refreshed and prevents your body from feeling sluggish.

7.   Stay alert. 

Thirty minutes before you start to feel like you are about to fade away and all you want to do is go to sleep, get a coffee! Instead of getting a large cup of drip coffee, try getting a small cup of Americano. Since Americanos have an espresso shot in them, this is more effective and will get the job done quicker. By drinking it thirty minutes before, it’ll give the coffee time to waken you up before you crash. 

Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor