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Some Tips to Survive the University Plague

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

1. Realize you have to take care of yourself.

Unfortunately, the harsh reality of college is that you really are all on your own. Mom won’t be able to go get you medicine or make soup for you when you’re sick in bed. This means you have to remember to take care of yourself. Make sure to cover the basics- take some medicine, eat sick-friendly foods, and get some rest.


2. The Health Center can be helpful!

If needed, the Health Center can be useful in getting diagnoses and prescriptions. They can also provide doctors notes if you end up having to miss class. If you don’t want to go to the Health Center, make sure you have the appropriate medicine to get better quick!


3. Re-organize your schedule

Stressing will only make you feel worse. Plan your week around how you are feeling; prioritize sleep and maybe don’t hit the gym as hard! Be okay with not getting as much done during the week as you hoped. It’s okay to relax a bit and accept that your body needs a break.


4. Sanitize, sanitize, sanitize!

If you have ever lived in a dorm, you will understand that germs spread super-fast. Help care for your roommates by cleaning up after yourself. Use tons of hand sanitizer, wash your hands before touching someone else’s stuff, and use cleaners to wipe down things like door handles.


5. Give yourself time!

Unfortunately, sicknesses usually don’t go away as fast as you’d hoped. Sometimes they even last a week or two. Let your body heal; don’t push yourself too hard and make it worse.

Caity Berk, Former Campus Correspondents, is a current Senior at the University of Tampa, studying Marine Science & Biology with a minor in Environmental Sciences. She loves onion rings, dark chocolate, and empowering women. When she finally decides to grow up, Caity wants to work with people and help them understand the importance of the natural resources that surround us