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5 Tips For Self Love As Told by Marissa Lace

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPRM chapter.

Loving yourself can often be quite a challenge; especially now that we live in a world where we see so many negative comments on the internet. Whether you feel that you dislike your personality, or have issues when it comes to accepting your body, sometimes we can see only the worst in ourselves. Life is a constant growing process, where we discover ourselves and learn to accept what we may find. After undergoing many difficult changes last year, Marissa Lace started an initiative called “Year of You”, where she and her followers worked daily to have better, more positive lives and dare to do things they wouldn’t have done otherwise. Marissa is a twenty-three-year-old YouTuber, who has inspired me and many others to make positive changes in our lives; here is just a little bit of her wisdom from one of her recent videos:

1. Spend fifteen minutes on  yourself in the morning.

Do something for yourself: meditate, write in your journal, or just have some coffee quietly in your room. It is important to find some time to think, analyze, or just be able to appreciate your own company.

2. Give yourself a date night at least once a week.

Put in as much effort as you would with a friend or a partner. Treat yo’ self to a nice movie and meal. You have to be with your own thoughts and be able to focus on yourself. You need to be okay with being alone, which will help you realize your worth and will improve your relationships in the long run.

3. Start a journal.

That is a place where you can be as honest and raw as you need to be with yourself. Also, you can analyze, talk through your problems, and be in tune with yourself.

4.Stop comparing yourself with others.

Someone once said that “comparison is the thief of joy.”We should be happy for others’ successes and know that all journeys are different. Just because someone is doing exceptionally well, does not minimize your accomplishments. Also, you can’t compare your day one to someone’s fiftieth Focus on own journey and don’t take away from yourself wishing you were someone else, use it to motivate you.

5. Release people or things that are no longer serving a purpose in your life.

This particular piece of advice resonated with me more than the others, because I had recently ended a toxic friendship.  You have to evaluate what and who you want to be and know who and what in your life is going accordingly with that goal. Find people who make you want to become the best version of yourself; know your worth and love yourself enough to let go of anyone who it is not contributing significantly your life.  If you have to force a friendship or relationship, or if find yourself crying more than you are laughing, you have to let it go.

Be sure to check out her YouTube video below!


English Major at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus. With a minor in Comunications and a minor in Marketing. Interested in all things entertainment and pop culture. Passionate writer and aspiring journalist. Former Campus Correspondent at HC UPRM. 
Claudia is a witchy English Literature and International Affairs major from La Parguera. She's worked in various on-campus projects, such as the MayaWest Writing Project and as a tutor at the English Writing Center. In addition, she's worked at Univision and has also been published in El Nuevo Día and El Post Antillano. When she doesn't have her nose in a book, you can find Claudia tweeting something snarky and pushing boundaries as a Beyoncé expert. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram, @clauuia.