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Crossfit Women: Beating the Stigma

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapel Hill chapter.

“How do you know if someone does Crossfit? Don’t worry they’ll tell you.” Jokes like this surround the Crossfit world along with a lot of stigmas about the athletes. People say that crossfit is a cult and that the movements done in the workouts aren’t actually safe or good for you. These concerns have been addressed by many articles and debate continues to surround the sport.

One stigma that has not been combated though, is the stigma of Crossfit women. The women of Crossfit are often viewed as manly and butchy but I want to clear that up. I do Crossfit and do not look like a man nor do I act like a man.

I will be the first to admit that some of the women of crossfit have broader shoulders and are very lean and muscular but that absolutely does not make them manly. Christmas Abbott, a very successful crossfit athlete, is in amazing shape but is still petite and feminine.

Abbott is not only a well known crossfit athlete but she is also the first woman to work on a NASCAR pit crew. Whether you are a crossfitter or not, she is a woman we can all admire for pursuing her dreams no matter what social norms are.

Young crossfit athlete Lauren Fisher is yet another example of a petite and feminine athlete. She is an inspiration not only because of her success but because she is so young, not much is keeping Fisher from reaching the top.

What we can all take away from these women is that there are so many definitions of beauty. Beauty can be found in the muscles of Abbott and Fisher just as much as it can be found in the thin models walking New York Fashion Week.