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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

If you haven’t seen this actor riding his long board on campus, you’ve probably seen him on stage in one of the many plays at UIC. This week, I’ve got the privilege to interview James Crumb, the star, studded, senior that loves Shakespeare and his long board.

HC(Hercampus): What sparked your interest in acting?

JC(James Crumb): My family breeds athletes, so for the first 16 years of my life I played soccer, football, basketball, tennis, and I ran track. I have always been the class clown and an attention seeker. When I took a class sophomore year of HS that allowed me to perform vocab words, I was sold. Performance intrigued me.

What is your favorite thing about the theater program at UIC?

JC: The beautiful realization when I walk into class or rehearsal, I am walking into a room with a professional actor, director, or voice coach that push me to my limits. Our theatre staff is so rich with experience that they inspire me and keep me motivated.

Can you describe your favorite play or memory that you had?

JC: My favorite play I have been involved in is Twelfth Night, by Shakespeare. I got to work with Rob Clare, a world renowned Shakespeare director. It was my junior year and I played Antonio, a saucy pirate. The emotional depth I found in the action on stage was unbelievable. The show really defined what kind of actor/artist I want to become.

Are there any actors or actresses who influenced your acting?

JC: Kenneth Branagh = Shakespeare genius. I watch his film adaptations of Shakespeare and love the way he plays with language.

Was there anyone who inspired you to take this acting career path?

JC: My life is a bit of a High School Musical type of story, but my mother was the one who ultimately encouraged me to audition for plays after only two years of acting. My best friend in high school also acted with me. One night we were talking about how crazy life is and what we wanted to do and he looked at me dead in the eye and said, “Jim, you belong on the stage. Go do it.”

As a senior is there any advice you would like to give to anyone who’s pursuing to be an actor/actress as their career?

JC: Just like my professor puts it, “If you can do anything else, anything, leave and go do that. Theatre is for crazy people like me. Boom.”

Do you have any future goals after leaving UIC?

JC: I want to be a starving stage actor. I want to travel all around the world and do Shakespeare. I want to eventually bring theatre to places it has never been before.

Jenny is a UIC student majoring in Political Science. She is a Batman enthusiast and has an obsession with the ocean and sailing.
UIC Contributor.