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5 Tips to Stay Stress-Free Through Mid-Terms

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.


It’s as simple as that. A lot of the time we dwell on everything that we have to do and study for, and we end up overwhelming ourselves more than necessary. If you give yourself 10 minutes a day during mid-term week to turn off your phone, tv, and computer to sit back and relax, in the end you’ll thank yourself. It may be hard to let go for those 10 minutes because you feel like you need to constantly be studying, but it helps clear your mind and bring you back to reality. Yes, mid-terms are an important part of your grade, but you shouldn’t let a piece of paper take over your life. 


Staying up all night to study for an exam the next day is never beneficial. We always hear that if we study right before bed, and get a good night’s sleep, we end up doing better overall. We have to give our brains and mind that time to recover. If you take out your assignment notebook or planner, look at the week of your mid-terms and write them down. Figure out when you can get in those 1-2 hours of studying a day. If you start earlier, you’ll retain the information better than cramming it all in in one night. The key to success is planning in advance.

3. SLEEP..ZZzZZzzzzZ 

Does this one really need an explanation? Get your 8-9 hours a night. It is necessary for your success and necessary to exceed in your classes and on mid-term exams/papers/presentations/etc.


We’ve heard this one since middle school, but that’s because it truly does help. Even you if just you grab an apple (which gives you more caffiene than coffee), it’s better than nothing at all. We’ve all been there, taking that one test, where our stomach is rumbling loudly, and everyone looks at you each time it does. Not only is that distracting to others, but it’s extremely distracting for you while taking the exam.


Put in 110% into your exam. You might not feel that confident, but you shouldn’t go in there thinking that you already failed. Keep a positive attitude, make sure that you have the proper materials (pencil, pen, paper), and go slowly. We all have our tricks that help us get through exams. I always like to start from the end and continue to the front. Others like to skip questions right away that they don’t know and then go back to them. Do what works for you to conquer that test and walk out feeling great!