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5 Things Everyone Needs to Know About Body Positivity

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

With so many pop stars and celebrities hopping on the body positivity bandwagon, it can be hard to dig out a universal message to the movement. So, to make it a little more manageable, here are five basic things every girl should know about loving the skin you’re in.

1. Body Positivity extends to ALL body types.

Whether you’re thick, thin, or any other size in between, you have the right to love yourself. Demeaning what other women look like doesn’t do anyone any good, no matter what size you are.

2. Be unapologetic.

Other peoples’ discomfort over what you look like is their problem, not yours! Your body is your business, and nobody is entitled to make judgments on it.

3. Fat does not always equal unhealthy.

Weight is attributed to a lot of things, one of which is genetics. So, whatever size you are, a lot of that may be because of the way you’re naturally wired. As long as your vitals are in check and your doctor isn’t advising you to lose weight, your size is healthy! And remember, loving yourself and the way you look is just as much a part of your health as eating right and exercising.

4. Do what makes you feel good.

Don’t let anybody tell you that you can’t wear something because it’s not meant for your body, that you can’t participate in something because you’re too big or too small, or that you’re not pretty because you look a certain way. Real beauty is knowing that you are perfect just the way you are.

5. Your body is your home.

You get one body for your whole life, so treat it with some respect! Make yourself feel good by eating foods that give you energy and release endorphins by moving your body. Your body works hard every day to keep you alive, so love it just as much as it loves you. 

Erin is a Communication student at the University of Illinois at Chicago and the President and Editor-in-Chief of UIC's Her Campus chapter. On a daily basis, she can be found making excessive film references and getting overly emotional about superhero TV shows. She has a deep passion for writing, movies, music, good books, and great food, and will gladly talk your ear off about all of the above if prompted to do so. 
UIC Contributor.