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5 Easy and Free Ways to Improve Your Skin

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

1.      GET SLEEP! 

Ever wonder why there’s a saying, “I need my beauty sleep”? Because sleep is cosmetic medicine! Everyone NEEDS 8-9 hours of sleep, no matter what we say we can handle. When we get enough sleep, we feel more energetic and ready to take on the day. And when we don’t get those 8-9 hours, we barely function. It’s been said that just about every system in our body is affected by the amount of sleep we get each night. No one wants to feel like a zombie, or look like one. The bags under your eyes will disappear and your skin will look brighter.



When we dwell on all the negatives in life, we’re bringing ourselves down. If you tend to be happier and always smiling, you’ll spend less time clenching your jaw. My dad always told me to stop the negative thought that was beginning in my head, and to turn it around to something positive. He said he’s been doing this himself and he feels better and more stress-free. Therefore, the less stress you have, the more your skin will shine.


We often hear, “You are what you eat!” But how does this affect your skin? I’ve noticed that when I eat greasy foods, the next day I see a pimple or two beginning to form. When I’m eating healthier, my skin feels soft and no pimples in sight. There is a direct correlation with your food choices and how your skin appears. I’ve included a link down below that has information on a study linking these ideas together by Jacqueline Stenson, an MSNBC Contributor. You can check it out here. 


Exercise. I can’t really say it enough. When researching about ways to improve your skin, I found an article from the Huffington Post by Amy Wechsler, M.D. She said that getting all sweaty has direct skin pulses; it bathes our body in skin-softening oils, and gives us that afterglow.

5.      DRINK WATER! 

Drink water. Not only has it been proven that drinking water helps improve your skin and daily functions of your body, I’ve seen it happen. If you don’t hydrate yourself enough, your skin starts to look dull and tired. Water is a critical nutrient for health and survival. It’s involved in many body processes such as fluid balance, nerve impulses, nutrient transport, and many more. Make sure to get your 6-8 glasses a day and I will guarantee you see improvement.