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How to Get Through a Stressful Week, as Told by Disney Characters

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

We’ve all had those weeks when the work piles up so much that we consider dropping out of school. With all the projects, exams and deadlines, staying positive can be hard. Sometimes all you want to do is curl up with Netflix to watch a few of your favorite Disney movies. Luckily, our favorite Disney characters know a thing or two about getting through a tough week. Here are some words of inspiration, as told by the Disney characters we know and love.

You realize what your schedule is going to be like for the week and inside you’re like…

But you put on a brave face.

And you look at your pile of work…

But instead of moping you decide to attack that big project.

If you get discouraged while studying for your exams, just remember…

After that first exam, your classmates come out of the room completely discouraged.

But you know that it’s only one step closer to your successful future.

If you’re pulling an all-nighter and start to get frustrated and think that college is an awful place…

You just need a wake up call.

And remember that it’s the tough situations in life that shape us.

It’s the last days of the week and you’ve just turned in that big project. You just have one last test to study for, but instead of being like…

Just stay positive and remember that you’re so close!

Right after you confidently turn in your last exam, you walk out like you own the place.

And from then on, you have no worries for the rest of your days!

… until the next hard week at least…

With these encouraging words from Disney characters, nothing can stop you! Good luck with your stressful week. And when all else fails, just listen to the wise words of Elsa…

Petrana Radulovic is a senior studying English and Computer Science. She hopes to be a writer someday and live in the Pacific Northwest, where she will undoubtedly divide her time between sipping coffee at a local café and sipping coffee in her living room, working on her latest story. She enjoys singing when she thinks she’s the only person at home, obsessively watching America’s Next Top Model, and wearing all black no matter what the weather. In her future, she sees many cats and many books and many mugs. She is currently the Senior Editor for HerCampus UFL, but writes the occasional article because she can't help herself. This is her sixth semester with HerCampus.