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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

It’s nearly impossible to scroll through your Facebook feed without running into a bunch of mouthwatering cooking videos. The overflow of video recipes on Facebook are a dieter’s worst nightmare, but there’s no escaping them.

They’re only 00:30 – 1:00 long so there’s no harm in agreeing to watch one right? Wrong. Watching one video turns into watching 10 videos which just turns into a trip to Publix. I’ve spent way too many hours of my life drooling over these video recipes, and here are my five favs:


1. Banana S’mores Bites


S’mores is my favorite food group. I couldn’t decide if I hated my friend for torturing me by tagging me in this video, or if I loved her for giving me something to look forward to. This video recipe is also one of the easier ones which is even more of a reason to try it.


2. Churro Icecream Bowls


This masterpiece needs no commentary.


3. Chocolate Covered Cheesecake Bites



I will never be able to trust someone who claims that they don’t love cheesecake. Everyone loves cheesecake. The only thing better than planting your fork into a slice of cheesecake, is being able to throw a piece directly into your mouth. Bite-size anything is ideal.


4. Garlic Parmesan-Stuffed Mushrooms


How could something that looks so good be so easy to make? I actually convinced my roommates to try making this with me, and as someone who struggles to follow directions, I can definitely say it’s close to impossible to mess this recipe up. If you’re thinking “well I don’t like this because I don’t like mushrooms”… you’re wrong. You do like mushrooms. And you LOVE garlic parmesan-stuffed mushrooms.


5. Mozzarella Stick Waffles


Who even comes up with this? Mozzarella…in a waffle? Maybe it’s the super hip music in the background that hypnotized me into watching this video fifty times… or maybe it’s my obsession with mozzarella. Either way, mozzarella stick waffles are next on my “to try” list.



Photo credit: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


UCF Contributor