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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UBC chapter.

Well folks, for better or for worse, exam season has truly arrived. We reached out to our fellow Her Campus writers and UBC students to ask them a very simple question: if you could describe exam season in one word or phrase, what would it be?


“Sad memes and solidarity”

“May the curve be ever in your favor”



“A Christmas tease”

“Wondering why I’m paying thousands of dollars to be miserable”

“Time to catch up on course readings”

“Time to START course readings”

How would you describe your exam season? No matter how chill or stressful it is, we wish you luck and success in your studying. 



Photo credits: oneclass.com, giphy.com


Avery is a second-year student at the University of British Columbia, where she is exploring her innumerable and possibly not very practical interests. She hails from the Cowichan Valley on Vancouver Island and has plans to do much more travelling before she gets too tired. If given a choice she would much rather have gone to Hogwarts, but readily admits that UBC is a close second. Her most notable talent is an uncanny ability to quote Hamilton during almost any conversation.