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8 Things NOT to Say to Someone Who Has Recently Had Their Heart Broken

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Wyoming chapter.

“There are more fish in the sea.”

Okay, I’m going to stop you right there. While I appreciate your overused, shitty cliché, it does not, at all, make me feel better. I understand there are plenty of “fish” in the “sea,” but he was my Nemo. Not in a weird way, but like an “I would have crossed the ocean and fought sharks for him” kind of way.

“It’s going to be okay.”

Unless you are my mother, don’t. Yes, I am well aware that everything will be “okay,” but right now I want to cry, eat Half-Baked ice cream, and pretend my world is ending. Let me be miserable until I don’t want to be miserable anymore. K thanks.

“You’re still crying over him?”

You’re still being a dick about this? For real. If I hear “our song” on the radio and want to shed a tear, I’m going to. If you say something that reminds me of him, and my throat tightens up, let it. I’m going to cry this guy out of my system. If that’s a problem, hand me the tissues, and there’s the door.

“You will find someone who adores you.”

Even if I agree on the fact that I deserve a man who adores me, I sure as hell am not going to admit that right now. I wanted him to adore me. End of story. I’m not thinking of the “next guy” right now. My heart and head are still stuck on the one who didn’t adore me as much as I hoped. Let me wrap my head around that, and then you may speak.

“He’s just an asshole.”

Why yes, he is a giant asshole. But, you saying that makes me feel as though I am incompetent at picking men. Which, I’m not denying, but I do not need your confirmation right now…

“You deserve better.”

I also deserve a mansion on a deserted island with all the fine wines in the world, but here I am…

“We can kill him.”

This isn’t really anything against you. I just actually might take you up on this, so for my sake, please don’t make any offers that you aren’t willing to follow through on.

“Just move on.”

Just shut up. I will move on when I am ready. If I want to be salty for longer than you find “acceptable,” then deal with it. You keep your advice to yourself, and I’ll move on with my broken heart as fast as I possibly can. Your negative opinions, cliché wisdom, and  “advice” are not beneficial, so think twice before using it on a freshly broken heart.

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Kaitlyn is a recent grad the University of Wyoming, where she got her degree in Marketing. She has been the Campus Correspondent for a Pink level chapter, a Chapter Advisor to some amazing chapters, and now has the pleasure of being a Region Leader. Born and raised on the Western Slope of Colorado, her love for nature and the outdoors comes naturally. Kaitlyn lives for football season, but finds way to stay preoccupied during the off-season. She enjoys long walks in the mountains, beer as cold as her heart, and bacon on her burgers. You can follow Kaitlyn’s adventures on Instagram, @kaysoup.
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Sarah Ott

U Wyoming

Sara is a senior Marketing major at the University of Wyoming. She is a Co-Founder and Campus Correspondent of Wyoming's Her Campus chapter, along with President of the Student Alumni Association, and Director of Marketing for ASUW Student Government. When she's not having mental breakdowns from stress, she enjoys cuddling with her roommate's cat and hiding under a mound of blankets. All she really wants is to live somewhere where it's warm year round and to not be berated for her massive tea consumption. To check out her ridiculous and crazy life, check out her Instagram, username: twigott