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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

With the New Year and a new school semester underway, it can be easy to get overwhelmed, stressed and to stop taking care of yourself. With a million things going on, treating yourself might be your last priority, but it shouldn’t be! Make 2017 the year that you treat yourself like the queen you are and indulge in some self-care tips! Here are seven that are catered to the realm of fashion and beauty to help you feel beautiful inside and out!

1. Get rid of all of the clothes that don’t make you happy.
What we wear has a huge impact on how we feel and our confidence levels. Every so often it’s good to go through your closet and get rid of everything that doesn’t make you feel happy and confident when you wear it. What we sport on the outside says a lot about who we are on the inside and life is too short to wear things that make you feel uncomfortable and self-conscious. Wear what makes you happy and your inner beauty and confidence will shine through!

2. Try something new.
When you have a lot going on, it’s easy to get stuck in a rut with your makeup and fashion. One of the ways to combat this and start fresh is to change things up or try something new. A new outfit or beauty regime can transform your whole outlook and make you feel poised and ready to take on new challenges and situations.

3. Make sure that you are dressing for you.
Another situation that people can get stuck in is always dressing for someone else. It’s easy to wear what you think others want you to wear (like a partner or your parents), or whatever is popular, and ignore what clothes you really like. Don’t be afraid to deviate from the norm and wear items that you think are unique and cool. Dressing for you can help boost your self-awareness and make you feel truly like yourself, instead of someone else’s version of you.

4. Take a bath.
Taking a bath is a great way to relax and giver yourself a break! Use your bath time to catch up on a book, watch your favourite show or do other things that you love. For added indulgence, try adding a bath bomb, some music, or candles to your bath-time routine!

5. Use a facemask.
Facemasks are a great way to pamper yourself and have some time to relax. There are many mask options that are available to try depending on your skin type and what you want the mask to do! There are masks available to moisturise, tone, treat acne, cleanse, hydrate, soothe and replenish. A great place to get facemasks is Shoppers Drug Mart at the Rideau Centre. The masks come in individual use packages and are $2 each or 3 for $5, so you can try a couple out and see what works best for your skin.

6. Paint your nails.
Painting your nails is a great way to make yourself feel more put together and confident. Try a bright colour to make yourself feel energized and happy, or go for a pink or nude for a classic look. An added bonus is that when you are painting your nails, focusing on this task will help to get your mind off of your worries and make you feel less stressed.

7. Wash your makeup brushes.
For a lot of people (myself included), washing your makeup brushes is a dreaded task that takes forever! To make the task less painful, try listening to music and dancing along, or watch a YouTube video to pass the time! Washing your makeup brushes frequently is not only good for your skin, it’s also a great way to take care of yourself (plus, who doesn’t love the feeling of nice clean brushes)?

Don’t forget to take care of yourself and treat yourself like the beautiful person you are!


Sources: Cover


Fourth year Criminology student at the University of Ottawa, Leafs fan, makeup lover and Harry Potter enthusiast.