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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

You know you are an engineering student when…

1. Cribbage…ain’t nobody got time for that

2. Jokes about you using lame mathematical pick-up lines aren’t funny anymore.

3. You KNOW your side of campus is better.

4. A full course load for arts and social science students is literally a half the amount of hours of our full course load. Plus readings, plus homework, plus lab reports…

5. Socks, and sandals…really?

Also, fedoras…you might as well staple “Crocs” to your forehead

6. If you know of Perry’s Handbook…you just know.

7. You yearn for the day you get your Iron Ring (the day your perma-stress syndrome fades away). The day Beyoncé’s become much more meaningful**

8. You know you are not an engineer, you are an engineering student, yet for simplicity’s sake you tell your humanities friends you are.

9. Bird course? There are none. Period.

10. There’s always the one student in all your classes that answers every question correctly, and aids in every possible way for your self-esteem to plummet at record-breaking speeds.

 As well as the guy who interrupts the class to enlighten everyone with “interesting” facts (he’s probably the guy where the fedora).

11. You know of only one food group – noodles.

Mr. Noodles is not just a food, it’s a lifestyle.


12. Which leads to heightened auditory sense for the phrase “free food”.

Attending all the seminars and lectures (regardless of subject matter) to avoid doing groceries for the next few days.

13. Anytime you hear the term “Gentian Violet”, you are instantly brought to a mini state of anxiety stemming from frosh week.

14. Sick days? No such thing.

Not uncommon to see surgical masks in the wintertime.

15. At this point in your life, you realize a basic pass means more than it did in high school.

16. Anytime you meet someone new, or are out in public you subconsciously glance at their pinky finger for an Iron Ring.

You also regard them as a god if they do.

17. Signs of PTSD are common.

After a midterm, or exam, your exit from the room is comparable to a scene from Saving Private Ryan.

18. You’re convinced that the only thing provoking a bell curve is a robot

19. Study…studny…stfdeyx…snetudyx…Netflix.

20. Even though you were a first year at one point, you seriously don’t believe you acted as they do now.

You’ve got serious problems with #engineeringlife selfies.

21. Imperial units? NOPE.

22. “You’re in engineering? Can you fix

a. my computer

b. my phone

c. the internet”

Everyone assumes you’re a genius, and can fix anything, and everything.

23. Spotted at SITE? Nice try.

24. You feel ready for your midterms/exam, but everyone else is freaking out…should you be, too?

25. Does UOttawa have any actual English-speaking professors?

Seriously, it’s like they make a point not to…and not to mention the hieroglyphic handwriting.

26. At one point in your student career you were addicted to caffeine.

You probably still are.

Timmie’s self-serve is a Godsend.

27. Academic advisors…#SWERVE.

If I wanted a lecture on life, I’d talk to my parents.

28. Engineering has caused me to experience “early on-set adulthood”.

Alcohol is no longer recreational, it is a tool.

30. You know all ten verses to an engineering chant, but you haven’t memorized the first law of thermodynamics yet.

31. #whatissleep Sleeping? No, more like weeping.

But in the end…