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How To Dress For Your Internship Interview

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

It’s that time of year again: internship season. Whether you’re applying for a big corporate internship in New York City, trying to intern abroad in some spectacular foreign destination, or have decided to check out that local internship down the street, you’re going to need the perfect interview attire. Here are some fashion tips that can help you score the internship of your dreams!


1. Keep it Classy

When applying for a job of any sort, you want to look as classy as possible. This means longer skirts, higher necklines, and shorter heels. Overall, you want to come off as an elegant young woman who should be taken seriously in the work place. 


2. Stay Polished

When preparing your attire, make sure that you look as polished as possible. This means no wrinkles in your clothing, no scuffs on your shoes, no chipped nail polish, and clean-looking hair and makeup. This demonstrates to your interviewer that you are an organized individual who cares about the smaller details in life. 

3. Know Your Environment

An interview for a massive company in New York City is much different than an interview for the local newspaper company in your hometown. Therefore, your attire should also be different depending on your environment. For smaller internships and jobs, you don’t need to dress as formal as you would need to for a more corporate internship. While an entire pantsuit ensemble may be appropriate for one interview, a simple skirt and blouse might work better for another. 


4. Conservative Colors

Although you may love that new bright pink top you bought just last week, it might not be the best option for an interview. Instead, try to choose more conservative colors, such as white, black, grey, or navy, with small pops of accent color. This will make you seem more formal and professional. 



5. The Perfect Purse

To finalize your perfect attire, you need the perfect purse for your interview. Your purse or bag should be formal and professional, just like your clothing. Avoid bright patterns, colors, or anything that looks unprofessional. Your purse should include a few copies of your resume, a breath mint, tissues, pens, and any other items you believe are necessary for the interview. 



Images courtesy of Pinterest, Polyvore, Modonika, Pianki, and Stonehill College.