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10 Reasons Why You Should Attend Earth Day Yogathon

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

It’s that time of year again… suddenly the entire campus comes out from hiding in their cold, sad dorm rooms to start enjoying the beautiful weather that doesn’t require a jacket and scarf. With summer right around the corner, what better way to end this semester than by de-stressing with a little yoga outside right before finals. Protect Our Breasts is hosting their 3rd Annual Earthdayogathon on April 22nd from 8-5 at the Fine Arts Center Terrace. The mission of Protect Our Breasts is to share the conversation about chemicals in everyday products that contribute to breast cancer. They aspire to empower young women to make safer choices in their everyday lives, to help try and prevent this grueling disease from occurring  in their future. Register for #earthdayogathon individually or start a team with your friends!

10 Reasons Why YOU Should Attend Earthdayogathon

1. Support an amazing organization

Just about every single one of us has been affected by breast cancer, whether it’s a family member, friend, or yourself. 1 in every 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime, and it’s time to start raising awareness on what we can do to prevent it.

2. Their Mission

Support their mission to encourage college-aged women like ourselves to lead a cleaner lifestyle. Our day-to-day products from makeup, to shampoo, to lotions all can contain chemical substances that can lead to cancer in the future. The more aware we are of the products we are using, the sooner we can prevent this disease from taking over women’s futures.


3. Only 10 dollars

A day filled with 9 hours of yoga led by some of the best instructors in Amherst, who could turn that down? Yoga classes typically cost around 15 dollars a class, so you are definitely getting a good deal while supporting an amazing cause.


4. Attend Unlimited Classes

You can attend as many or as few yoga classes as you want! Have a favorite instructor from around town or from the rec center? Check out the Facebook page to see if they will be instructing a class throughout the day.

5. Not a Yogi? No Biggie.

Never taken a yoga class before in your life? Don’t let that hold you back from the fun. Instructors typically tend to offer alternatives poses for all different levels of experience. Earthdayogathon is open to everyone, regardless of your skill or coordination.

6. Get Free Stuff

We’re all poor college students, and maybe have about three dining dollars left in our accounts… if you’re lucky. All of the goodies will include safer alternative products that do not contain harmful chemicals, including Late July chips, Dr. Bronner soaps, Runa energy drinks, and Buddah Bowl popcorn bowls.


7. Get Involved

If you’ve struggled at all this semester with trying to find your place on campus, join the Protect Our Breast Chapter at UMass. They also have many other chapters at other schools in the US!

8. Unwind With Friends

Form a team with your friends and enjoy doing yoga outside with great music. This is a great alternative for friend groups who love to hike the local trails and be active! Take a break in between classes, grab a snack, and just unwind in the calm environment.

9. Win Prizes

Individuals and teams have the opportunity to win prizes including coupons and gift cards!


10. Kick-Start Your Summer

End the semester enjoying the sunshine and kick-start the summer season. The relaxing atmosphere will definitely make you forget that finals are even a thing… maybe.

Visit their website to learn more about this awesome organization! http://protectourbreasts.org/yogathon/

Photos: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

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Shannon Proctor

U Mass Amherst

Contributors from the University of Massachusetts Amherst