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Second Semester Senior Survival Guide

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.


Second Semester Senior Survival Guide: The First Steps


With February fast approaching, every second semester senior has begun the exciting yet agonizing final stretch to graduation. One of the most important steps you can take as a senior looking for a post-grad job is take to advantage of the opportunities that UMaine has to offer. Make a date to go to the career center and talk to the people there about where you are in the process and what steps you should take as you make your way to graduation.

This Wednesday, February 1st is the UMaine Career Fair being held at the rec center. Attending the career fair allows you to take some of the first steps in finding a job as well as take notes on how to interact with possible future employers. The Career fair starts at 10:00 a.m. and goes until 3:00 p.m. so make sure to dress to impress and come with an open mind.

Networking, Networking, Networking. The first steps in making your way into the workplace is to build professional relationships with past employers and all other connections in the job field. Over the course of this semester I will give you the inside scoop in becoming a working person and finding the perfect job- and what websites will help you get there!

Once you make your connections its time to come up with an amazing presentation of yourself. Building a resume, clipbook, portfolio, etc. is essential in succeeding. You have worked hard throughout college and its important that every company you apply to can see that.

This article is just an overview of some of the topics that will be covered over the next several months as we all begin to write our own version of a Second Semester Senior Survival Guide. 

photo credit: google images