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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.

Spring is a wonderful season. The birds are singing, flowers are popping up and everyone starts to shake off the winter blues. There is one downside though- rain and mud. A lot of it. Fortunately, it doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice style. I’ve rounded up some rainy day gear that’s all under $50.

The yellow rain slicker is timeless and classic ($35 totes-isotoner.com), but the transparent polka dot one is a lot of fun ($47 zulily.com).

You’ve got to love classic, prep style rain boots ($36 amazon.com, $40 6pm.com). I included the floral ones too ($26 yesstyle.com) because of course, April showers bring May flowers!

I have a thing for patterned umbrellas ($23 accessorize.com, $44 verabradley.com) because not only will it be harder to misplace yours, but it’s an easy way to incorporate some cheerful color on a dreary day.

Rain hats may seem a little silly ($18 johnlewis.com), but if your hair reacts to humidity like mine does, owning one will change your life.


Happy shopping and stay dry!

Terry Shortt is a fourth year Journalism major minoring in WGS Studies and Creative Writing at the University of Maine. In her free time she enjoys writing, reading, playing dress up, crafting, and eating. She fancies herself to be a sex positive, feminist, Martha Stewart. She enjoys the simple pleasures in life, like warm summer nights and perfect cat-eyes.
Kate Berry is a fourth-year journalism major at the University of Maine in Orono. She loves reading about the latest trends and events.