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How to Stay Composed & Organized Before & During Finals Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

Start studying NOW. It’s been said before, but the sooner you start, the better off you’ll be. More information is retained when it’s spread out and not crammed the night before. Split up materials by studying a chapter or topic a day and doing quick review of what was studied each previous day.

Keep a list of things to accomplish for each day of the week. It seems like such a simple idea, but this strategy can really help you set goals for yourself as well as remember all you need to accomplish. And writing a plan can spread out your workload, assisting in the idea of studying well in advance.

Try to plan your studying so that you can get at the VERY least 7 hours of sleep. (Especially if you have finals on consecutive days).This might seem next to impossible, but it is so important that you get enough sleep each night. It’ll not only help you focus while taking your tests, but will benefit your health in the long run. Finals are temporary, your health is more important for the future!

Eat healthy foods. This is such an underrated notion because it’s a popular tendency during late nights and stressful times to want to turn to junk foods. But eating plenty of fruits, veggies and whole grains will help keep you focused and alert for both studying and your tests.

Consume caffeine in moderation. Another widespread strategy for studying is drinking lots of coffee. While it’s perfectly okay to have a cup or two to give you a boost, this shouldn’t be relied on as an energy source. Sleep is what will help, and if you’re consuming too much caffeine (especially close to bedtime), you won’t get restful sleep, and you could end up in a cycle of constant caffeinating, which can be damaging to your health.

Listen to instrumental music. If you’re one of those people who has to listen to music while studying, songs with no words are usually the way to go. Lyrics can cause your focus to shift on what is being said rather than the material you’re supposed to be absorbing. This isn’t true for everyone, but it’s beneficial to realize this.

Be mindful of the time you have. A half hour is what you make of it. It’s very easy for that time to get eaten up on social media or with a single episode on Netflix. Breaks are crucial to keep your brain functioning, but make sure they don’t distract you from your work!

Study with a friend or friends to keep you on track and to make study breaks worthwhile. Nothing is better than spending a sucky time with your best friends and suffering through it together. Not only can they make sure you’re not distracted, but you can learn from each other, especially if you’re in a class together. And mini dance parties and runs to the convenience store for a late night ice cream treat are always a plus.

Make sure you are taking care of yourselves during this stressful time, Collegiettes! And remember, while finals are important, they do not define your worth. They are a small part of your life that truly will not matter in five years. Take a breath and enjoy your winter break when you’ve crushed those tests.


All photos found on Wikipedia.

Paige Netzel is a senior at the University of Iowa, studying English and Creative Writing with a Cinema minor. Coffee, creating playlists, and gratitude are essential to keeping her going. Check her out on Twitter for some hecka funny tweets or on Spotify for those dope playlists.
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