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Food To Make You Forget About Finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, and no I don’t mean the holidays. Finals time is upon us, which means another year of fighting for a table in Howie T, wearing the same sweatpants multiple days in a row, and chasing after those Tulane cats because you “just NEED someone to talk to.” While cats are great and all, we all know that the ultimate comfort comes in the form of food. Here are some ~~comfort foods~~ to keep you warm throughout this finals week. Take a break from Yik Yakking about the #annoying people breathing too loudly in the lib and try some out for yourself!


Caramel Cups with Sea Salt

That fudge! Those salt crystals! The CARAMEL!!!! How can you resist this beauty? Try it for yourself.


Brown Butter Cinnamon Rolls

Because nothing will ever love you quite like a cinnamon roll can. Recipe here.


Breakfast Cereal Cake Donuts

Who needs District when you can make your own? Okay, that may be a lie, but it’s still worth a try.


Baked White Cheddar Mac n Cheese

A classic to distract you from your mountain of chem notes. Recipe.


Pumpkin Stuffed Pretzel French Toast

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Dense Chocolate Loaf Cake With Booze and Coffee

Because it’s been a loooong week. You deserve this.


Salted Caramel-Filled Dark Chocolate Chunk Skillet

I’ve run out of words. Perfection.


~~may the finals odds be ever in your favor~~

Current Tulane senior studying English and Communications. Contact: sydneyclarke@hercampus.com
Her Campus Tulane