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Yoga Poses to Help You De-stress From School

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Suffolk chapter.

The life of a student is not an easy one: sitting in chairs all day, walking to and from classes, typing all night finishing up that last minute essay. We asked the expert, Larissa Hall Carlson, leading yoga teacher at The Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health, and she gave us the poses to fix the problems!  


The Problem: Tight and Tense Shoulders From Typing

Yogi Fix: Standing Forward Bend with Fingers Interlaced and Arms Stretching Behind Back

Stand with your feet about 3’ apart. Interlace fingers behind the back and straighten elbows as much as possible. Bend forward from the hips, keeping the legs and spine straight, until you feel a good stretch in the back-side of the body. Press the hands up toward the sky and draw the shoulder blades closer together to get a better stretch around the collarbones, chest, and front of the shoulders. Breathe and relax, taking 6-10 breaths before slowly rolling back up and standing.


The Problem: Stressed Stressed Stressed

Yogi Fix: Supported Leg Up The Wall Pose

Place the narrow edge of your yoga mat against a wall and lay 2-3 folded blankets (or a cushion) down against the wall. Lie down with your hips on the folded blankets, legs up the wall with heels resting, shoulder blades relaxing on the mat, and head comfortable. Breathe and relax here for up to 20 minutes, and give yourself some ‘me’ time.


The Problem: Lower Back Pain from Sitting All Day, Every Day

Yogi Fix: Supine Knee Down Twist

Lie down, bending both knees in toward the chest, and open the arms out in a “T” position. Twist at the waist and lower the legs down to the right, allowing the feet and legs to relax down on the floor. Rest the right hand on the top leg, and gently hold the legs in place. Relax the left shoulder blade down toward the ground. Keep the head neutral, close the eyes, and relax the jaw. Breathe and relax here for up to 1 minute. Repeat on other side.


The  Problem: Flat Out Exhausted

Yogi Fix: Reverse Plank Pose

Sit down on your mat with legs straight. Place the hands on the floor about 6” behind the hips with fingers spread wide, and face the toes. Tuck the tailbone under and scoop the hips and legs off the floor, working to bring the body into one straight line from feet to head. Bend the knees a little if necessary, but try to lift the chest up toward the ceiling. Hold for 6-10 breaths and invite the heat to build!